Journey to Success

How to Always Stay Positive - 12 Tips to Keep a Positive Attitude

Fabio Posca Season 2 Episode 14

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What if maintaining a positive attitude could be the secret ingredient to achieving your goals? This episode of "Journey to Success" promises to reveal 12 powerful strategies to help you stay motivated and energized. We kick off with the importance of a positive morning routine, including uplifting activities like reading motivational quotes, keeping a gratitude journal, and engaging in simple exercises. Discover how setting attainable daily goals and celebrating even the smallest wins can create a ripple effect of positivity and energy. Plus, learn how mindfulness and meditation can keep you grounded and appreciative in your day-to-day life. Surrounding yourself with positive influences and consuming inspirational content also plays a vital role in sustaining your optimistic mindset.

Curiosity and learning can literally light up your brain with happiness. In this episode, we explore the fascinating link between intellectual curiosity, brain activity, and joy, especially when you're passionate about what you're learning. Whether your ambition is financial freedom, a creative career, or personal growth, having the right motivation and energy makes all the difference. We delve into the psychology of visualizing success and how feeling the emotions tied to your dreams can make your journey more fulfilling. Remember, success is subjective, and finding joy along the way is paramount. Join us for an engaging discussion that will leave you inspired and equipped to pursue your own path to success.

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Speaker 1:

How to maintain a positive attitude, to maintain your energy, to have the unlimited full to reach your success, to reach your goal. How are you going to do, how can you maintain you know, this beautiful energy that you have inside you in a way that no one is gonna touch it and, consequently, you can use this energy to reach your dreams? Hi guys, my name is Fabio from Journey to Success, and welcome. Today we're gonna talk about 12 effective strategies that can help you to up your positive attitude in a way to reach your goal, to reach your success or just to live a good life, you know. So, before to go through, just write in the comment down below what you do in your life to maintain a positive energy. I'm going to look at your comments and I'm going to answer to all of them. So, 12 effective strategies. First point start your day with positive routine. I'm going to break down this first topic in three concepts, in three small topics. So first we have the morning affirmation. In the morning affirmation, you need to read a positive quote, a positive phrase, a motivational quote that can wake you up in a good way. You can also buy some calendar. You know some daily positive calendar, daily calendar in a way to read every morning, every day, a positive phrase. It's going to take, you know, even half seconds, one, two seconds. So very, it's very effective Gratitude journal. So just have a gratitude book with you, a gratitude notebook, and write three things where you are really grateful for and what I like to do. I like to write five grateful things where I am very happy about my present, and then I like to write also five things where I'm grateful about things that did not happen yet. Because you know, when we talk about a grateful journey, a grateful book, it's close to the love attraction concept. It's nice to mix a little bit the grateful phrases with some wish, and that's what I advise you. But I have to be honest, if you don't really have the time to do it's just three things per day, it's enough. Every morning, be grateful about your life, about what's happening right now in your life. I'm sure that you can find easily three things per day. Only the fact that you breathe in and breathe out, it's something to be grateful. Only the fact that you have the connection a Wi-Fi or whatever to connect with me or with your favorite youtuber is a grateful things, okay. Number three exercise I like to give my personal example. I used to listen to. Motiversity is a youtube channel. I advise you so. So I like to listen to this channel with motivational music, motivational speech, and in the meantime I like to do gym. You have not to go that far.

Speaker 1:

Exercise means also simply do some stretching. You know, exercise means also simply do some stretching. You know, just in a way to embrace the new day. So, as I said in the morning, read some motivational quotes. This is going to take you even half seconds, and then we have a gratitude journal. So just write something cute, something nice, where you are definitely grateful, and then we have exercise. So it's simple stretching.

Speaker 1:

You know, right, set realistic goal. This is the second point. Set realistic goal, and now it's important to have a goal in your mind. It's important to have the big milestone in your mind. Okay, it's absolutely important it's something that I always suggest to have a big island, a big milestone in front of you. But you need to have daily goals. You need to have small milestones, because only in this way you can get positive feedback from it. If you get positive feedback, you get positive energy and then celebrate small wins, you know so, once you finally know how to break down your big milestone in a small milestone, then it's more easy, it's easier for you, you know, to celebrate better the small achievements.

Speaker 1:

Number three practice, mindfulness and motivation. Now, motivation and meditation. Practice mindfulness and meditation, not motivation. Okay, so meditation is something very usual in these days, but in my opinion, you need, or you have to be a little bit patient about it, right? So I don't want to suggest meditation or yoga to people who are not really motivated to do so. What I suggest is actually the mindfulness. With the mindfulness is, I mean, I suggest mindfulness for all the people, and then I suggest mindfulness and meditation for people who love meditation as well. But with the mindfulness, you are conscious about your present. So what you have to do is just take three minutes every day, minimum three minutes. It can be three minutes, it can be five minutes, it can be ten minutes, but then it can be also tiring. Let's say, three minutes per day is good enough. Just be silent, just sit somewhere in your comfort zone, totally safe, and be conscious about the fact that you are in the present, that you are healthy. You're not anymore in past problems. You have not to project yourself in a future hope. You just have to be here in the present and this is going to give you happiness, because you are going to realize that, that you are alive, that you are a miracle, that you are a human being ready for the day.

Speaker 1:

Number four surround yourself with positivity. Okay, this looks like something obvious, right, but it's not. I mean we are forced, we force too much ourselves to be with people we don't like to be. What is the reason? I mean, we have just one life, guys. Just be surrendered around people, of people who love you, who want your good. Okay, very important. Be around positive people.

Speaker 1:

And it's very important also uh to um, get inspirational contents. Inspirational contents you can uh get uh, your, uh, your YouTube channel. Just write everything that you have in your mind to make sure that gives you positive energy, positive mindset. It can be also your favorite YouTuber who talks about your favorite video games. It has not to be that complicated. I mean it has not to be that complicated. I mean it has not to be everything center about motivations and positive quotes, just something that really makes you happy.

Speaker 1:

You know you like to cook example. I like to make this example every time when we talk about food. But let's say that you like to make this example every time when we talk about food. But let's say that you like to cook. Well, just open your channel, open the channel that you like it, your favorite youtuber, and learn your next dish. And if you don't want to learn, it doesn't matter. But you're surrounded from that person who gives you the positive energy you need to go forward to reach your success, to reach your goal. Okay, I'm passionate about video games and anime. My word it's not only this, even if I I sometimes wish to have more time to to be nerd and uh, but you know, it's also about priority, the life still still. Sometimes I just take a good rest for days, maybe weeks, and I just enjoy myself. To get positive energy, the right, right energy, the right one. I need to go forward to reach my personal success, my personal dream.

Speaker 1:

Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Balanced diet is very important. It's important to eat in a good way. It's important to eat in a good way. Of course, sometimes you can eat your kebab or whatever, it's not an issue. But generally your diet has to be balanced. It has to be good in a way to sleep better, to have a good sleep in a way to sleep better, to have a good sleep, in a way to get the right nutritions To reach your milestones, small or big.

Speaker 1:

Number six practice self-compassion. So you have to be kind with yourself. You have to be kind with yourself. You have to be kind with yourself. Sometimes you make mistakes, sometimes you reach too many obstacles, and that's okay, like that. You cannot give every day 100%. I don't either. It's normal, we're human beings. I don't either. It's normal, we're human beings. You know, we're not David Kojins, all of us, we're not him. So we're human beings and it's okay to not give 100%. It's okay sometimes to give 50% because we're too much tired. It's okay sometimes to not give at all. Okay, you need to rest. If you think you need to rest, it means that your body is calling you and say to you hey, man, maybe today it's better, you know, to do nothing. It's okay like that. Be kind with yourself, okay, don't feel guilty about it. Learn from mistakes. Mistakes, mistakes, obstacles, failures. These are just the society think. Are negative words right? They're not. These are words who have a negative impact related to the people who want to reach these words as negative words. Okay, but they're not negative. They're just tools, instruments to use to improve yourself. Then, okay guys, we are half our end.

Speaker 1:

Number seven stay organized. It's important to stay organized. Are are. And number seven stay organized. It's important to stay organized. When you are, you are organized. You, when you know what you do, you are faster. So it's important to plan your day in a way to have less stress. And then it's important to be tidy, because when you are tidy, you don't have distraction, and when you don't have distraction, you are much faster. Number eight limit negative influences Also.

Speaker 1:

This looks obvious, but evidently it's not, because sometimes I hear people who mention about their environment how much negatively impactful can be sometimes. But yeah, in this case you know it's. I mean, if you really want to get positive energy, you need to be surrounded from positive people, correct? But your time is limited as well, so it means you have to set boundaries with the people who dry you out. That's very important.

Speaker 1:

And another point is reducing media consumption. I know this sounds weird, but personal example, I never liked public news on TV. It's just too much negative for me, has been always negative for me, and I don't really get the sense to understand what happened in the world, when the information that I get are just 70-80% of the times negatives. Now, it depends, of course, what you want to hear. It depends, of course, what you want to hear. It depends, of course, which kind of information you want to get from this environment. But this is just my opinion. If you reduce the negative media consumption, that you can have more space for more love, more positive energy, positive environment, positive frequency.

Speaker 1:

At the end, number nine affirm your abilities. Number nine affirm your abilities. I remember it's something I watched maybe a couple of days ago or something like that. There was this video about Ronaldo, cristiano Ronaldo and in this video was him say something right, and then the people realized that what he was saying was literally I'm the best, I'm the best, I'm the best player, I'm the one, I'm perfect, I'm good, I'm great, and it's very important to make this affirmation about yourself, in a way to believe more and more about your abilities.

Speaker 1:

And another point in the number nine we have the fact to challenge negative thoughts. It's important to challenge negative thoughts. It's important to challenge negative thoughts. Of course we don't really have sometimes we don't have control about our thoughts, but in my opinion, you can still control something that is not Okay. You can still control the internal environment. Sometimes it's hard to control the external environment. So when something is really impactful right around you towards your life, something that you cannot control, well, in that case it's hard to control your thoughts, unless you are, I don't know, david Coggin still, unless your mindset is very strong, then of course you can control also the external environments. But in this case, right, what I want to say? Uh, challenge negative thoughts. You can challenge the negative thoughts. When we talk about things that you can control and you cannot control, how simply change the negative thoughts with positive thoughts.

Speaker 1:

All right, it's up to you, at the end of the story, to decide which side you want to take. What is the side that you want to take most? The negative side, the sides where you prefer, maybe, to be in the corner and cry for a certain thing that happened in your life, or maybe you want to take more the positive sides, the sides where you accept the fate about something that happened in your life, and then it's better to react. Of course it's better to react. Of course, of course it's important to cry. It's important to you know, to take the punch when something happen, but it's also important to react after certain time and when you act, you have to be good to replace the negative thought to positive thought. So non-negative thought onto other negative thought, but negative thought onto positive thought.

Speaker 1:

Okay, number 10, acts of kindness. Acts of kindness, it's just beautiful to be kind. There are too many crampy people in this world. Be kind, be kind, help people, support each other, be with the right people in a way to help each other to reach a success, to reach a goal. Number 11.

Speaker 1:

Stay curious and keep learning. Also, this concept it's so beautiful. It's beautiful because when you keep learning something right, if the thing that you are learning is interesting, of course, for you, we literally have these electric signals that they dance in our brain. And these electric signals that they dance in our brain and these electric signals can make us happy, of course, in this case, I'm talking about things we are interested. So if you are interested to make money, to make money, but then you get the wrong path to reach the money, let's say that you want to to become viral on on instagram, you don't know how to do, and then you try to get knowledge from it, but you don't have the right energy, that the right fuel, right, because you know your goal. It's something. So such abstract, I mean, this is not gonna give you energy, it's not gonna give you the right energy, it's not gonna give you the right fool to reach that goal. So it depends, of course, what you like to do. I'm going to make another example so you understand better. If you like to make money, so let's say you want to reach a goal in a way to be rich, right, but at the same time you actually like to properly make money. Maybe you like to do trading or binary options, you know. Or you like to invest in commodity. That is good, because you have the right energy and the right environment to keep you forward in a way to reach your success, your big milestone, how, studying something, you are passionate about it In this way, all these electric signals right, they're there to wake up us and we just feel happy about it.

Speaker 1:

Number 12, visualize success. Here we're talking a little bit about love, attraction. So it's important to visualize your goal first of all. It's something that all of us do do, right, all of us like to visualize the goal, but it's also important to feel. How do you feel about the fact that one day, you are gonna, you're gonna achieve your success.

Speaker 1:

You, you're gonna achieve the financial freedom and you are gonna achieve, uh, uh, your um, your dream about the fact that you become you. You want to become a writer or a chef, uh, or a good parent or a good grandma. You know it doesn't matter. Success is so much subject, subjective concept. It's not only about money and financial freedom, you know, in the end of the story. So, guys, I really hope you enjoyed this topic and if you like topics like that, please just put a like and in this way, I understand if I can, uh, you know, if, if, uh, if I, I can do something uh, similar, uh, of topic like this one. So thank you so much for being here on journey to success and see you in the next episode. Cheers.

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