Journey to Success

The Power of Thinking vs. Doing: A Balanced Approach to Success

Fabio Posca Season 2 Episode 13

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What if balancing thought and action could be the key to your success? On our latest episode, we promise to uncover the secrets to achieving your dreams through a perfect blend of strategic thinking and relentless doing. We'll start by guiding you through the importance of having a clear vision and setting effective goals, using the unique concept of a "joy compass" to create your ideal environment. We'll also highlight the crucial roles of planning and problem-solving, and how learning from your failures can actually sharpen your path. Innovation and creativity are not just buzzwords; they are essential tools we’ll delve into for optimizing your plans once you know your direction. Inspired by Thomas Edison's tireless quest to invent the light bulb, we'll illustrate how perseverance and hard work are indispensable in turning dreams into reality.

As we move forward, we'll dissect the continuous cycle of planning, execution, and review, emphasizing the need for adaptability in today's fast-changing world. By examining real-world success stories like Netflix's evolution, we’ll show you how seizing new opportunities can lead to phenomenal growth. We also have five powerful motivational insights to share: embracing uncertainty, starting small, staying committed with persistence and discipline, adapting when necessary, and celebrating every step of your progress. These strategies are more than just tips; they're your roadmap to sustained motivation and long-term success. Whether you're at the start of your journey or looking to fine-tune your approach, join us and discover how to celebrate every milestone on your path to greatness.

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Speaker 1:

thinking or doing. That is the problem. So I don't want to mention a letter here, but that's the question for you guys. So, what is the best thing to do when we talk about success? Is it better thinking? Is it better doing something? So what is the priority here? Right, I see I hear a lot of people who talk how much important it is to act as soon as possible in a way to reach your success faster, right? But is it really like that? Hi guys, my name is Fabio from Journey to Success, and welcome.

Speaker 1:

And today we're going to talk about this new topic, and the name of the topic is thinking versus doing, a balanced approach to success, and that's what you're going to learn today. So, at the end of the video, you are going to understand how much important is to reach your success. Thinking about how to reach, how to plan, how to vision. You know your path to reach your dreams. And we're going to also understand how much important it is, of course, to act in a way you know, to reach exactly, step by step, your dreams, and that's what you're going to understand in the end of the video. And let's start. Let's start, let's start with um, these, uh, uh, this, this question, and uh, so what are the six points of thinking and doing it? So here we're gonna discuss the first six points. So first, we're talking about a thinking concept. So when we talk about the thinking concept, we talk about two important words, right, two important topics, and we're talking about vision and goal setting. So something that a lot of people don't know is actually how to reach their success through their environment. What I mean by that? Well, just imagine where you are right now. Right, so, right now you are maybe in a place that you don't really like it, but at the same time, you have to understand that you can create your environment to reach your success. How can you create your ideal environment to reach your success? Basically, you can use the joy compass. So what makes you very happy? What is the most thing, the most beautiful thing that makes you happy in a way that you can reach your dreams? So what is it what we're talking about? So you have to understand your joy compass and when you know exactly what makes you happy, then you can think how to plan in a way to have a clear vision and a clear path. So you can think how to plan a way to reach your goal. Okay, how? As I said, clear path, clear vision are very important tools, very important instruments to reach your success.

Speaker 1:

Second point planning and problem solving. So once you finally understand how to reach a goal through a clear vision and clear plan, basis of the joy compass, then after that starts the funniest part. It's the planning, right. Right, it's important to understand how to plan a certain path in a way to reach your success. So here of, of course, in my second point I wrote planning and problem solving because you also have to consider how much important is to reach certain obstacles, directly and indirectly, to learn. So here we're talking about failures, failures, obstacles generally are important assets to reach your success, to reach your goal, because through failure you can learn. Success to reach your goal, because through failure you can learn, and once you learn then you can become better and better about what you want to do in your life. So important this is an important note that I wrote here. So through problem solving you are going to reach the right plan and through corrections you are going to reach the right solution.

Speaker 1:

Third point innovation and creativity. So once you finally know what you want to do in your life, right, once you understood which kind of plan you want to write in your life, right, once you understood which kind of plan you want to write in your brain, in a way to act later, you know, and consequently to reach your success. Well, then comes maybe the easiest part. Like you are so much confident about what you want to do that you are in a certain comfort zone. Okay, there's a comfort zone where you are literally in a zone and you are perfectly conscious about what you want to do. You're perfectly conscious about the fact that you need to fall, so you need to make different mistakes to reach your goal. So you're totally conscious about it. You're in this ball, in this comfort zone, and then is where starts your creativity, in a way to optimize your plan. So these are the first three points.

Speaker 1:

When we talk about uh, when we talk about uh, thinking, what about doing? Well, in the doing concept also, here we have another three points, and the first point is action and implementation. With the first point, we have, of course, the execution, so you can finally transform your ideas, whatever you thought before, and you can finally act in a way you know, to finally walk on your path that you already planned before. So execution, transform ideas into reality. Here there is, of course, a beautiful example, right example of thomas edison. Thomas ed Edison used to say genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. So the fact that you work so hard and in a way that you can see you're wet, you work so hard that, at the end, through failures, mistakes, attempts, obstacles, you eventually reach your success. And Thomas Edison, as you know I have not to say this to you because I'm sure it's something that I think also my grandma knows now about it Thomas Edison was the inventor of the light bulb, that's correct, but was also the guy who fell 1,000 times before to find the right formula to reach his dream.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's absolutely important to understand genius. What is what is gene? What is what is genius? With this word, right, you are a genius. Well, and the truth is that people don't which kind of path that genius did to reach a point where you know, where people are just admiring this genius because they're just looking at the hint of the iceberg. I mean.

Speaker 1:

Second point, learning through experience. So this is very nice concept, because my, I did, I had this teacher. Right, I had this teacher. The name was miraki and he was an engineer as well and, uh, I wasn't very good, I wasn't good at all in his um, in his class. But he used to say to me every time, fabio, the practice beats the grammar. And these days I understand more and more what he meant. You know, it doesn't matter how much you study, it doesn't matter how much you work hard or you don't work at all, it doesn't matter what you're thinking right now, but it doesn't matter what I think right now. The point is that there is a constant in this world that never changed, and it's the fact that the practice beats the grammar. You know, it is like that.

Speaker 1:

I mean, even if let's talk about cooking because I like the cooking example, example even if you are the worst chef in the world, even if you are the worst cook in the world, all right. So let's not go that far. You are not a chef. Let's say that you're just a student. Even if you are the worst, the worst cook in the world. And if you have three ingredients every day, let's say an egg, parsley and oil, at the end of the year, I tell you that you are going to make one of the best eggs in the world, because during this path, you learn from it, you make mistakes, you reach obstacles with these three ingredients, but at the end of the story, you just become perfect in your way to progress.

Speaker 1:

Third point building momentum and building momentum. So it's very important, these three keys that I used to mention every time persistence, discipline and consistency. All right, these are the three keys that allow you to unlock your full potential. And as much as people like to be viral on tiktok or instagram, the truth is that at the end of the story, you, you're going to be maybe the lucky guy who is not going to be able to teach the people how to reach that certain success. Why? Because it was too much fast. Because they don't really know how to reach and maintain a certain success if you reach the success so fast. So it's important to use these three key words that allow you to reach any kind of success.

Speaker 1:

Here, of course, we're talking about dreams goal. Every time that I talk with you guys, I just think about financial freedom, right, but that's my personal success. I don't know what is your personal success and your way is just be just sorry, but let's say you want to be a good father or a good mother. That's not a just, that's something actually very important. But I mean, you can use the PDC, the person, discipline, consistency also, you know, for your type of success. It doesn't matter which kind of success. We're talking about my personal example. As we're talking about my personal example, okay, let's resume a little bit here, right? So my personal example is that I love to talk to the people in a way that they can reach their dreams. Okay, fair enough, how can I do that? Fortunately, we live in an era where we have different channels and we don't really need to become famous through tv or something like that. Right, we can use our smartphone, we can use youtube, we can use, uh, social media as well to reach the right people in a way to teach something to them, you know. So that's my first step.

Speaker 1:

Second step plan. So how am I gonna plan this? Okay, I know what I need. I need, maybe, camera. I have to buy a camera. Maybe I want a smartphone because it's more. You know, it's more comfortable in these days. Maybe I'm going to buy a good smartphone. Maybe I don't have the money for the smartphone? Very enough, I can do an installment with some company. You know, I don't really need to be rich. I mean, we're spending so much money for things that we use a couple of times per month. That's nothing wrong to spend money as much as you're conscious, but it's also important to invest money, you know, to reach your success. And you know, buy the smartphone. A smartphone is something useful also to reach the people, like in my case. In a way, they can get some value from me.

Speaker 1:

And third point innovation. Okay, let's say okay, I'm going to actually give you properly my path. So I started with the podcast. So I just bought the mic. After one year I realized that I could improve a little bit more and in this case, I bought a good smartphone in a way to you know, to innovate my channel and study a little bit of copywriting to reach better the people. I study a little bit of SEO to understand better how to reach my community. So that's an improvement. So you have vision, plan and innovation. Guys, if you like this topic, or simply if you like to tell me your plan, just write something in the comment. Okay, so what is your plan, vision and innovation path that you have right now in your mind? Just write in the comment and I tell you. I'm gonna read. I'll be very attentive.

Speaker 1:

So another point how can you integrate thinking and doing? You can integrate thinking and doing inside your life with these three points. First of all, you have to understand that thinking and doing are very important. Thinking is important as much as you do something. Doing is important as much as you think something okay, but you have to understand that you need a balanced approach about it. So if you think too much to do something, then you never act. If you do too much, it's not good either, because you don't have time to rest, to process. You know, sometimes I like to take just some rest with my fiancé in the park, national Park, with a cottage, for two days, and that is the moment where I don't do anything and it's beautiful because I my brain since finally rest, then process everything that I, that I did and I'm doing with my project and I literally had the best ideas, just just resting for a moment, do nothing and all the ideas you know they just come come inside you. So very important to understand how much you have to think and how much you have to do. It's important to approach this balance.

Speaker 1:

Then we have a cycle process. So something that you have to understand is that when you plan something, then you have to execute everything that you planned before, right. And then it's important also to review whatever you did, whatever you transformed from your ideas to execute to your current reality. But this is a cycle, guys, so then you don't stop. So it's just a cycle of planning, execution, review, planning, execution, review, and in this way you have high quality outcomes. No one talks about this, but it's important always to be in track with this cycle, in a way you know to to have a high quality outcomes.

Speaker 1:

And then we have the third point adaptability. So adaptability, well, the world change. That's the reality. I know that whatever we're doing right now looks like a constant, looks like I don't know, looks like something that is going to be forever. Well, it's not true. I mean, look now, with AI and everything you know, the world changed and there is nothing wrong about that. But you have to adapt yourself as well.

Speaker 1:

I have an example here Netflix evolved from a DVD rental service to a streaming giant by constantly rethinking its strategy and acting on new opportunities. That's what I mean about this concept. I mean, think about it Before Netflix. The reality of the people, the reality of the people of my age, the reality, especially of my family, family, my parents, your parents was just rent a dvd or, you know, rent a tape, and um, it was the reality, but wasn't constant. And with netflix and then disney, amazon, prime, the world changed drastically. And now the ai and who knows next?

Speaker 1:

And the question is are we really sure that social media, social media, youtube and everything that we know right now are gonna be a cost stunt for our future? Maybe yes, maybe for our future, maybe yes or maybe no, but for sure they're gonna evolve and you have to be ready for that. You have not to be scared. Okay, now last point what are the best five motivational insights? You have have to be motivated when you reach your success, when you reach your dream, when you reach your goal. You have to be motivated, guys.

Speaker 1:

I have five points here with you. First of all embrace uncertainty. Embrace uncertainty. It doesn't matter if we talk about doing, it doesn't matter if we talk about thinking. The truth is that you have to embrace it. You have to embrace uncertainty because it's part of the process and it's normal to be uncertain about what you're doing, but this thing has not to prevent you to plan something to act on it.

Speaker 1:

Second point start small. Start small, very, very important. It's important to have a big goal. Yeah, it's important to have the big milestone there. It's important, very enough, but it's more important to have small goals. It's more important to have small achievements meanwhile. In this way, you can have positive feedback. Positive feedback means positive satisfaction, means a limited fuel to go forward. Stay committed.

Speaker 1:

Well, this we say before already PDC, persistent, disciplined, consistent. Persistent, disciplined, consistent. It's so such important. Three important keywords that you have to use, like is your mantra Adapt and adaptability. We say also before right, and there are corrections also that you have to deal during your path. That's absolutely normal, and this correction, uh, these corrections, are gonna help you to reach a better plan and in the end, we have a celebrate progress.

Speaker 1:

Guys, celebrate progress. It's, I think it's maybe the funniest part. So when? So when I'm going to make my example when you reach 100 followers. Just don't say right now that I'm doing this video, I have 14 followers, yeah, and I'm just happy that. I don't know, I'm sure in a while I'm going to reach 100 followers. I'm sure I'm going to be happy about it. I'm not going to say, yeah, all right, gonna reach 100 followers, I'm sure I'm gonna be happy about it. I'm not gonna say, yeah, all right, but 100 followers meaning I'm pretty far to monetize my YouTube channel, because to monetize the YouTube channel you need to have 1000 followers and 10,000 hours. I think something like that. No, that's absolutely, you know, the wrong mindset. The mindset has to be the opposite to be wow, I reach already 100 followers, let's, let's eat the pizza. You know, let's do something, let's celebrate. You know, it's uh deep.

Speaker 1:

I don't't want to say stupid quotes or stupid things, but it's literally how you see your glass. Your glass can be, you know. You can see your glass with half water on it or just empty on it. You know, I mean, of course, it's going to be better in the future if you are consistent about it, if you put passion and dedication about it. So don't be afraid. Start. Look at me, look at me Like. I think I'm the perfect example. So go forward, never give up. Thank you, guys for being here on journey to success and if you like this topic or topic topics like that, please just put a like. I just appreciate. Thank you and see you soon. Cheers.

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