Journey to Success

From Morning Chaos to Daytime Triumph - A Journey with the 5AM Club

Fabio Posca Season 2 Episode 10

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Join me on a journey with the 5AM Club as we transform morning chaos into daytime triumph. In this video, I'll share a book summary and review of Robin Sharma's "The 5AM Club" to inspire you to start your day with purpose and productivity.

Awaken to the wisdom of Robin Sharma's "The 5AM Club" with your host, Fabio, as we unlock the secrets to creating an extraordinary life. No need for a snooze button here, folks! Join us to dissect the delicate balance between preparation and consistency, and learn how the initial chaos of new endeavors isn't just inevitable, but a critical part of your success story. Hear how the legendary Kobe Bryant's relentless dedication and our three-step formula can guide you from self-awareness to impactful daily choices, leading to a life filled with accomplishments.

Ever wondered how reshaping your morning rituals could redefine your destiny? Say goodbye to mundane mornings and hello to a day charged with purpose and productivity. Whether you're aiming to inspire on social media or elevate your current career, we cover how to craft a vision that transcends the day-to-day grind. We'll navigate the 'four interior empires' and dive into why willpower is a muscle that can be strengthened with the right habits. Discover how to weave your personal goals into a tapestry of work-life harmony without sacrificing precious moments with loved ones.

Gear up as we map out the "Three Pockets Formula" for a morning routine that catapults you into productivity nirvana. Imagine starting your day with a clear mind and a heart set on growth, all before the rest of the world stirs. Lay the groundwork for a successful day with our 20-20-20 strategy, and learn the small yet significant rituals that lead to an energetic awakening. From the 90-90-1 rule for focused project work to transforming your commute into a mobile classroom, this episode is brimming with strategies to supercharge both your personal and professional life. So let's journey together, where every step is a building block to the masterpiece of your success.

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Journey to Success Club: Your Path to Podcasting

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Speaker 1:

Hi guys, my name is Fabio from Journey to Success, and welcome. Today we're going to talk about a new book and the name of the book is the 5M Club by Robin Sharma, and it is a beautiful book and doesn't talk only about how and when to wake up, but it talks also about how to achieve your success, your dreams. So it gives you a lot of nice tips and we're going to discuss together today. First point we have the preparation, preparation. So what Robin Sharma says to us distractions are the debt of creativity. So to avoid distractions, dedicate an hour of yourself. So when you start to wake up right, but not even generally just try to do everything that you have in mind, or anyway, try to tidy up a little bit your brain. You know about something that you had to do and you didn't do yet because this kind of thought that you have, then they're going to follow you during the process to achieve your success through some goal that you have in your mind. So if you have some distraction, you first dedicate yourself to clean these distractions. Okay, that's very important. It is important to be consistent. Now, this is the preparation part, still, yeah, so be consistent. It is not about how much you do in a day. It is more about a daily effort. Okay, don't do like that. In a day you work one, two, three hours in your project and then you are too much started to do something the next day or the week after. Okay, it doesn't work like that. Success is a process, is a daily process. So better to dedicate 10-15, 15 minutes per day. So far, then I don't know. Then, just you know, dedicate yourself for some time, maybe for two, three hours, just for a day, and then bye-bye. So that's also very, very important, you know. So just try to be consistent, not to exaggerate, just in that one day you do, you strangle, and you do that much, and then you don't have so much energy to do nothing the next day.

Speaker 1:

The first part of any change is complicated. The middle is messy. The end is beautiful. It is with everything let's be honest is messy. The end is beautiful, it is with everything, let's be honest, everything that requires some new skill. Right At the start, everything is a little bit confusing, everything is a little bit messy. Then with time, it's going to be more tidy, more clear, and then you're going to be faster and faster with time To get to the top 5%. You must start doing what 95% of people are not willing to do. This is a quote and it's a very beautiful quote.

Speaker 1:

I know that a lot of people try to go viral. You know, and they, I don't know, they like to be in that 5% that they go viral and that they achieve success easily, blah, blah, blah, blah, even if at the end, they don't know how to stand that success, in my opinion. But let's be honest, it's like you win the lottery. I mean you can also win $40 thousand dollars or more, but then if you don't know how to use it, I mean you can invest or you can spend them. Okay, it's the same here.

Speaker 1:

So it's better to uh, to be in that five percent of people where you know, you struggle, you study, you start to understand new skills to get your success, your dream, and then everything is gonna be uh, more, uh, more easy, not straight away, but you're gonna be especially uh, an authority, uh, or your market, where you understand more and more how things work in your environment. You know, and the last step of the preparation is keep going, even if you want to surrender. Okay, guys, I'm going to ask you, sorry. First of all this video podcast is going gonna be a little bit weird because, uh, as you can see here, well, at least for at least for the people who are watching the video right now um, I don't know the table where I used to writing my notes uh was, uh was wet and yeah, so sorry, and so I'm gonna try to guess some words. Anyway, keep going, even if you want to surrender. Okay, we're talking about persistency. Be persistent. So it doesn't matter how many times you fall, it is important how many times you stand up, okay. So if you fall, it is important how many times you stand up. So if you fall twice and you stay on the ground on the same amount of times, then it's not good. But if you fall two times and then you stand up three, then it's good. It's how it should be, because only in this way you can learn.

Speaker 1:

Number two. Number two we have the three-step success formula. So in the three-step success formula, we have this beautiful formula it's about self-awareness. So self-awareness, it's self-awareness, it's knowledge, love about what you're doing and having a clear vision about what you're doing, and this leads to better choices, okay. So when you know what you're doing, that leads to better choices, and better choices leads to better results. Of course, between choices and results, we have corrections that we have to do. You know, sometimes when we try to reach success, we are struggling because we know that the path is right, we have a clear vision, but there is something missing, like there is something like that you say, hey, you know what, maybe I have to do some correction, should I do this or not? And there is nothing to be worried. That's how it works. You need some correction, especially when you see that things don't really work during your plan, that things don't really work during your plan.

Speaker 1:

Number three four focuses that is going to make you reach your success. So the four focuses are dedication and commitment are the keys to become iconic. Example Kobe Bryant. Right, kobe Bryant, it was a great person, a great human being. He was also a great basketball player, but he wasn't naturally talented to be a good basketball player. He was talented to learn new skills or something that he liked it to become a good basket player. Okay. So that's very important. Dedication, commitment. He was the one who used to dedicate so much, so much work in what he was doing. Number two freedom from distraction. Work in what he was doing. Number two freedom from distraction. So, freedom from distraction. And how can you avoid some distraction here? You can avoid some distraction if you do less projects, okay. So it's important to dedicate yourself on one thing, one project, and then you can develop yourself and learn new skill, improve yourself, become an authority, blah, blah, blah. Become bigger, bigger, big. But you have really, really to be focused.

Speaker 1:

It's not so much different than having relationships like in a friendship way, sorry, so where you have more friends, you don't really cultivate a nice relationship okay. So it's better, for example, to have two or three friends and to cultivate better, you know, your relationships with these two or three human beings. Or sometimes, when people say, yeah, that's my best friend. Why that's your best friend? Because you dedicate energy, time, uh, everything with that person. So it's the same for the projects, right, it's also the same in the relationship. I mean, let's be honest, if you uh dedicate time, uh, uh, with your uh woman or man and um, it doesn't matter if things during uh, you know, during the path goes wrong or right. If you cultivate a good relationship with your partner, then, uh, then everything is gonna be fixable okay. And it's the same for success.

Speaker 1:

When we talk about achieving your goal. Okay, number three Okay, as I say, guys, my wallpaper was a little bit wet yesterday, so focus on the present, so focus on your inner self. Why it's important to be focused on your present, on your inner self? Because, uh, when you're focused on your present, present, right? Uh, you think better about, uh, about what your past can teach you in a way to become better in the future. Okay, so very beautiful. And then, in fact, he says if you can master your inner world, you will master the external world. Because if you know how to master your inner present world, your current world, and you can learn things from the past, how to master your inner present world, your current world, and you can learn things from the past, get the best for your future and then, of course, you can master also the external environments around you.

Speaker 1:

Number four day stacking here we have another quote. It says so craft your life based on each day, focusing on the bigger picture of your life. Okay, be focused, simply be focused. It's important and it's important to have a big picture about what you're doing. Okay, have a clear vision about what you're doing. Example if you are working, let's say, in a customer service right now and you like to open an Instagram account because you want to do motivational speaking, I don't know. Et cetera, et cetera. You have to have a bigger picture in a way. Okay, how much time this is gonna take me, uh, how I'm gonna plan my next five days to be, uh, prepare and speak to my community and, at the same time, have energy enough to work you know, for for the company, that I don't like it. It's an example. So you have to have a bigger picture about what you're doing every time.

Speaker 1:

Number four the secret of mourning. The secret of mourning. This is number four. Oh, yeah, this is number four. Okay, the secret of mourning. So why?

Speaker 1:

Roby Sharma thinks that the morning is the right time to actually go. Could be the evening, could be the night. Well, in the morning, when we wake up, right, we are in a beta zone, so in a beta flow, and then you know, with the right path, the right energy, the right steps, then we are more in an alpha zone than a theta zone. And then, quietly, if you know, if everything is fine, the house is styled, I mean, the room where you're working is styled and everything is as where it's supposed to be where it should supposed to be, sorry. Then you can get better the flow state, okay, in a quietness. Now, regardless, this beta, alpha, alpha, theta flow state, etc. Etc.

Speaker 1:

The point is that you can also reach a good uh, focus point in the evening, evening or the night, I don't know how to talk today so you can also reach that, there isn't problem. Of course you can do. But you also have to consider that during the day can happen so much right can happen, can happen so many things around you, your environment can be so full and this can this balance a little bit your evening. So, in my opinion, if you can reach the evening, you know, calmly and without any external distraction, then okay, but enough. If you can work in the evening and you know that you perform better in the evening, very enough, right.

Speaker 1:

But the point here is that when we wake up in the morning, right, it looks like a reset for us. So don't forget it. So I'm a promoter of waking up in the morning and I'm the one that does. I'm the one who does, sometimes not every day, because it's also important to understand how much to sleep and how to wake up. Also, there are so many factors. Old people talk always about how to wake up in the morning at five o'clock because it's better like that, etc. Etc. The point here is that it's more important when to go to bed. It's important to have a good sleep, good seven hours at least, in a way, to wake up earlier in the morning. But regardless of that, I'm a promoter about it. I'm a promoter about it. But the point is that if you think you cannot wake up in the morning for any reason, you can also do in the evening, you can also perform. I mean, try to reach your success in the evening or in the night. It's okay, but you have to be careful in that case to manage better your day. You know, in a way, that external distractions are not going to impact towards your inner self.

Speaker 1:

And number five we have the four interior empires. Mindset relates to the psychological aspect of our being, for example, our thinking and optimism. Heartset relates to our emotional intelligence. How good are we at imagining our own emotions? Healthset number three relates to our physical fitness. And number four, soul set relates to spirituality. Are we connecting to that supreme power? Number six five scientific truths that govern successful habits.

Speaker 1:

First, true, we have strong willpower, so strong willpower. It is not something that he says, it is not something we are born but we learn from it. Are born, but we learn from it. So, in Robin Sharma's opinion, we don't bore. It's not even his opinion, it's also this is also my opinion. It can be the opinion of the majority, but if you really want to do something right and you want to perform 100%, you want to perform as much as you can to reach your goal, then you can learn from it. Okay, you have not to burn or have some weird gene or something like that some weird gene or something like that so you can learn your skill and also the 5 am concept. It's something to learn.

Speaker 1:

It's not that you're born capable to wake up early in the morning and, as I said before, it's also it depends of your priority, right? I mean, if your priority is go to the bed in the evening because you like to take your time talking with your partner, and that's for you, it's your priority, because you don't see your partner, because your partner works maybe, uh, 10, 11 hours per day, right? So then like, do it, of course that's your priority. Your priority is not has not to be wake up at five o'clock, in that case, right. But if your priority is achieving success but at the same time you have a better, a good balance Right In your daily life with yourself, with your partner, with your friends, then it's just how you can be disciplined yourself to go to the bed earlier. Ok, there is no struggle on that. There is no struggle on that.

Speaker 1:

As I said before, people, gurus, motivational speakers are so for also myself, maybe a couple of years ago, when I didn't know so much maybe, but um, they were so focused, uh, they are so focused. So we were so focused about how and when, uh, um, uh, sorry, um, sorry. Focus about to wake up at five o'clock, okay, but the point is that it's more important when and how to sleep, you know, the day before. That's the real question here. All right, then we have also in the number six we have, don't be worried, to put yourself in a pressure. This is very important, guys, because sometimes we feel overwhelmed and stressed and, like you know that we're doing too much, etc. Etc. But when we start to think something like that, it means that we are actually learning new skills. We are learning maybe too much at that time, but it means we're in the learning phase. That's a good thing. Okay, don't be scared, of course.

Speaker 1:

If you really feel too much under pressure about something, your body can talk to you, listen to your body, you can take a time, have a rest. You know there is no rush. Success has not, you know, some timeline Like it's more something that success is waiting you to make your steps. These steps, they have to be healthy, otherwise you don't reach success. You just reach something else than success, that's for sure, and something negative, of course. And right, then we have, oh yeah. The third point is take time to recover. Okay, I'm not going to explain this because we already said before. So you have to rest, you have to have time to recover. And then the fourth point. We have this phrase here when you develop self-control in one area, then you have the power or self-control to develop more skills in different areas. And that's also true, right. When you understand the trick, then you know how to develop more skills in different areas.

Speaker 1:

Number seven heroic habits share these three values Persistence and consistency. I love persistence, I love consistency and I love discipline. These are the three keys PDC persistence, discipline, consistency. They're the three keys to reach success, your level of respect. So what is the meaning here? Level of respect you are the client of yourself. Okay, how much respect yourself? If you want to schedule, uh, something about your plan, about your success in a way, hey, you know what? In two months, I have to write this ebook to uh, to learn, uh, to teach the people how to uh gain followers on Instagram, okay, so, how much respect yourself as a client? You have to be punctual, you have to be in time. Are you going to do that? So you have to be respect on yourself, okay, because, see, we are so aware, so much careful to respect the people around us, but at the end of the story, we don't respect so much ourselves as we should. All right, right, so Then, then, then, then, what else? Oh, yeah, how you practice when no one's watching you is exactly how you will perform when you have an audience. Very beautiful, nothing to say here, but very beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Then we have the habit arc. What is the habit arc? Habit arc is this let's say, it's a formula as well and where you have to understand your trigger, and you have to understand your trigger and you have to understand your goal. Okay, so the trigger is the deep purpose, something that you really feel that you have to achieve your goal for a certain reason, big reason, something that can lead you to achieve that goal. Okay, let's say I'm going to make a personal example.

Speaker 1:

You know, in the morning, when the day before I don't drink so much water, then I have a headache, I have a micrania. If I, if I don't do things correctly, if I don't sleep correctly, if I don't drink correctly, I have a micrania in the next day. So for me, that's, it's a trigger. And the deep purpose is, like you know what? I don't have to have a microneur because otherwise I don't perform better. I don't perform to make videos, I don't perform to work in my job as well, okay, otherwise I don't perform. Okay, fair enough. So that's the trigger.

Speaker 1:

I have the deep purpose and my goal is to drink four glasses of water. That's my goal, okay, and my goal is to drink four glasses of water. That's my goal, okay. So, but what you have to do? Because four glasses of water are two liters, and then when I run, then I must drink at least five, six liters of water. Okay, sorry, four glasses of water. Okay, sorry, four glasses of water of 500 ml, because I have big glasses here in the house, so 500 ml of water, four glasses, are two liters. Okay, sorry, so when I run I reach, like I have to reach at least I have to drink three, four liters. Okay, so looks a lot.

Speaker 1:

So what Robin Sharma says, that between the trigger and the goal, you have to have small goals, you have to have rewards. So what are the small goals? The small goals are that I split these 3-4 liters in 5, 6, 7 glasses during the day, and this way I don't feel they are that heavy than drinking a big two bottles of water in one shot. And so that's what Robin Sharma says like to have different steps, different rewards as well. Because when I drink water I immediately feel good. I honestly feel immediately good, because sometimes I can see that if I do too much during the day, then my headache starts and I drink a good glass of water and then I'm good, you know. So you have to understand that your trigger, in my case, is the headache. The big purpose so in my case, is the headache related to the fact that I know that I have to drink three, four glasses of water more actually. And then the rewards Okay, the fact that if I split the water the two, three liters of water in glasses I know that I immediately feel good because my headache sometimes it goes too much fast than anyone else it's very putty guys.

Speaker 1:

So I really don't want to wish to anyone, or even to my worst enemy and I don't have any in Seoul but that's what I mean. Okay, I have another example here. It's the example of Instagram. Okay, let's say that I want to. Okay, I'm going to make my example. So, still, I want to grow on Instagram. All right, let's say that I would like to reach 1,000 followers for now, okay, but I understood how to reach 1,000 followers. So what is my deep purpose? Well, I would like to reach 1,000 followers because I would like to give value to these 1,000 followers. I would like to give a good value about you know, about how to achieve success. It's really my goal. It's my call because, as I explained before, when I was young, I did achieve whatever I wanted to achieve, and now I'm good, I'm fine, I know that's my path, but I also know that I want to teach someone else to reach their dream, their goal.

Speaker 1:

Okay, even enough, I have the trigger, I have the purpose and I have the goal, but I know that I cannot reach 1000 followers in one day. You have to understand that, most talking specifically, don't? You cannot gain authority in one day. Gaining 1000 followers in one day, okay, regardless of that. So I understood how to gain followers. Then I decided that I can. I realized that I can gain followers like we're talking about six followers, eight followers per day, so every 50 followers I congratulate myself and I sometimes make a story like, yeah, I reached 100 followers and I reached 100 followers. I sometimes talk about it with my fans say, hey, look at here, so I did it. So I congratulate myself. These are rewards and these rewards are basis of good, um, small results, and these small results are going to bring me to get 1000 power. That's my full goal, okay. So it's very, very important to set your goal, but also it's important to understand your deep purpose, the trigger and the small goals which you know which goals you want to set to reach the full goal.

Speaker 1:

The big one the habit installation protocol. Okay, the habit installation protocol. So Robin Sharma says that you need 66 days to build a habit. The first 22 days is to destroy your habit. The other 22 days is you realize the impact of the new habit and the last 22 days there is the integration, so the habits slowly start to become an automatic response.

Speaker 1:

Number 10, the three pockets formula. So in the three pockets formula we have this formula it's 20-20-20. This formula, it's 20-20-20. So here we're probably talking about, you know about the waking up process. So you wake up at 5 o'clock. So what happens at 5 o'clock Happens that between 5, within 5 and 5-20, you have to move so from sleeping, you are going to drink, you are going to brush your teeth, so you're going to do all that, natural things, right? So just don't wake up and straight away, straight away, you are going to think to, you know, to prepare your video. It's just an example. You have not to do that, otherwise you get distracted. You get distracted by the fact that you still have to do breakfast, so you have to brush your teeth. That's very important. It's something that I still have to learn. I still have to learn.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes I wake up early and also no, sometimes I just wake up at normal time, like 6, 30 or 7 o'clock, and then I say myself oh, my god, it's, it's late already. I say it's late because actually I like to wake up at five o'clock and then I don't. I don't do things that I should do, but then I do during the day in a very consistent way. You know like it doesn't work like that. Absolutely, you have to be focused when you do your project. That you focus better if you clean your mind from distractions.

Speaker 1:

Reflection from 520 up 540. So here we have something natural that you can do, all right, so like maybe meditation, maybe you like to write something, just a quote of the day, I don't know. Whatever is your mind, it has to be natural, it has to be chill. Okay, planning, maybe you like to schedule something. He says these steps help us be more aware of ourselves, our missions, our mission, our goals.

Speaker 1:

Now we have a third point grow, grow is listen podcast, start to open your computer for your digital course. You applied engagement with everything. Make your grow, etc. Etc. Okay, I'm going to explain better here. So the growth time between 540, 60 is where you do your kind of your preparation to achieve your success. Okay, so you open your computer and you put the password. Open your computer and you put the password. Okay, it's time to let's say that you are, you want to become an influencer. So, okay, what an influencer has to do? Engage on Instagram? Okay, so let's engage with these people. So you start, you make a plan about which people you like to engage maybe VIP people, or maybe normal people like us, you know. So you have to make a plan about what you have to do in that moment and then finally, you start to perform and yeah, and the rest is the rest is story.

Speaker 1:

Number 11 already. Number 11 already. So the benefit of journaling, the benefit of journaling here we're talking about a gratitude process. When you do something, it is important to congratulate yourself, be grateful about what you're doing. That's very important. Why? Because our goals mostly are big. We like to think big. That's the nature of the human being. There is nothing wrong for it. That's the nature of the human being. There is nothing wrong for it. But it means you have to set some small goals, and when you set some small goals, achievable goals, then it's time also to congratulate yourself.

Speaker 1:

Number 12, the pre-sleep ritual, and this is so much important. I talked before about it, but here he specifies better. So between seven eight, you have your last meal right. Between eight and nine, you don't have to have overstimulation, so it's better to have actually a nice conversation, meditation, family time, etc. Between 9 and 10, where you have to start to go to the bath, so you have to know to have the phone, and also here, in this case, it's nice to congratulate yourself, gratitude book, etc. Etc. The funny thing about to wake up early in the morning, as I said before, is that people are focused on waking up in the morning at five o'clock oh, it's so hard, etc. Etc. No, it's not hard. The hardest thing is, uh is go go to the bed to sleep earlier. I mean, it's big effort. We're talking about having elastomel at seven, eight, okay, achievable, but then we don't have to have a overstimulation at nine, eight, nine o'clock is you know it's when people watch TV or play the PlayStation, like my feelings say, like you know the super over stimulation, or sometimes I actually here I can make proper example.

Speaker 1:

Before yesterday I had a problem with my computer. I had this uh, uh problem in my heart, in the hardware, and I had still to release my podcast the next day and, um, nothing I had to do. There was nothing that I I couldn't avoid. I was super overstimulated. At the end I scheduled my podcast, but even if I turned off the computer, it was 11, almost 11, something like that. I was super awake. I couldn't. I couldn't fall asleep Like I was looking at my watch. I was still awake.

Speaker 1:

You know, this is a very, very bad example, maybe. No, actually it's a good example, but it's a bad example as well. So it's a bad example and a good example, but that's the point. So if you are too much overstimulated, guys, of course you cannot fall asleep earlier and alias wake up early in the morning, right, and 9, 10, when you have to start to go to the bed. Can you imagine, like that, you have to go to the bed at half past nine, like it's an effort, it works at the end it works and it's I mean it's rewarding, but it is an effort. You have to understand that.

Speaker 1:

But if you like to achieve your success, then you can do it. Achieve your success, then you can do. I mean what? What do you think that, uh, the people you know, I mean uh, from you know behind your tv, like actors and singers, they do? You think they don't do this? Of course they do. Of course they. They wake up. They go super early in the morning to wake up. They go super early in the evening to wake up early in the morning. Of course they do. Okay, number 13, more tactics. More tactics to perform better during the day or wake up better in the morning.

Speaker 1:

Let's see Bubble zone. The bubble. What is the bubble? I sometimes am very, too much for this. And when you are very, very, very focused, even if you leave the room for a while because you want to make coffee, right, you are still in the zone. And I, I. There is this thing that sometimes happens with my fiance. She says to me you look so angry or sad, or your energy is no good, or something like that. It's none of them. It's basically I'm in my zone, I'm in my cage, I'm in my bubble, and usually when I'm in my cage, no'm in my bubble, and usually when I'm in my cage, no one has to talk to me. No one has to. You know, it's just, it's not very pleasurable from my side, from the people around me, and this happens only when I'm very focused. So if I'm here and I'm talking to you you know, if I did podcast or something like that it's okay, I'm very chill. But when I have to prepare an episode, when I have to brainstorm, to solve the problem. Then I'm in my bubble. And it's okay to be in your bubble because you can reach the flow state better, you can reach the solution faster, etc. Etc.

Speaker 1:

Then we have another tactic here the 90-90-1. So the 90-90-1 is a very nice formula. So in your first 90 days, for 90 minutes, for the first 90 minutes, you have to be focused on one thing that can revolutionize your project, your plan. Okay, it's very interesting. Can you imagine that for only three months, only for the first 90 minutes of the first 90 days, you have to think something like hey, you know what, what can I do to make this better? So your focus has to be only that one. I think it's just fascinating. And then we have the 60-10. The 60-10 means that for one hour of work you have to have 10 minutes of rest. It's very important. Now, it doesn't matter how much focused you are. In my opinion, you need to rest after a while, because otherwise then you don't perform that good so far.

Speaker 1:

Okay, another point, another tactic the five daily concepts Also. This is very nice. So on your weekend, so you just take weekend, saturday or Sunday to set five goals to complete on a day, every morning. Can you imagine, like, how many skills you can gain in one month if you think about it? See, it's not about quantity, it's about consistency. It's truly about how much you do every day to become a certain being Number one, two, three, four, 5, workout in the morning Okay, that's very important in a way to perform better. Or he was suggesting also to do half workout in the morning to have a better half workout in the afternoon. I mean, yes, maybe, because in the case you can breathe in and breath out a little bit during your projects.

Speaker 1:

I'm more like a person that likes to do just one workout, a full workout in the morning, and that's it. It's up to you. And then this is nice when I read two message protocol per week. That's truly the title. So, help you relax and gain energy. So my fiance is a promoter about massage. She always says that she feels better when we're talking about energy and mind as well. I'm not that kind of person who likes to gain energy via massage. But I mean it also depends right, it depends if you are passionate about it. For example, the spa, something that I discovered with her, and it's something that I liked it and that I discovered with her and it's something that I liked it and that I like it and I think, one of my best ideas about financial freedom, it was during the spa time, where we sometimes like to rent a cottage and we like to have a rest day. You know, uh, this is very interesting.

Speaker 1:

Traffic university, traffic, university. Uh, what is it? So we always have some hole. When, uh, you know, we go somewhere with the train, for example, you can take your computer and continue with your project. Or, you know, try to gain some new skill With the car. With the car, you can listen to podcasts.

Speaker 1:

It's always about choices, right? I mean, you can also decide to use your phone to listen to some audiobook or just spend your time scrolling on Instagram, or you can invest your time to engage with your target to gain follower, a good value to them. Now, there is nothing wrong on all of them. If you like to take the phone to engage, do it. If you like to spend your time scrolling on Instagram, you can do, of course. And if you like to listen an audiobook instagram, you can do, of course. And if you like to listen an audiobook, you can do if you, if you just want to look the window. Meanwhile, you know you are in the train and be in your bubble you can do as well, but all these things gives give you a result. All these things give you a result, okay. And then, of course, you can decide everything you want, but you also be aware about what you get.

Speaker 1:

Number 14. Where am I? Oh no, we have another step here. Still in the number 13 the dream technique. What is the dream technique? The dream technique is when you really want to achieve your dream so fast, so hardly, um, that then it's better to brainstorm and get infinite intelligence with the people around you, okay, with the people who have the same dream also, why not? I know this couple of friends. They like wine, they're making it up, they're very good together. I can see they are, you know, sharing energy together. It's just something beautiful, right. And when you have the same dream, you can help so much with each other. It's just amazing, just beautiful, and um.

Speaker 1:

And then we have the weekly design system. The weekly design system is, uh, is, uh, oh yeah, sorry, no, I was. I thought that the weekly design, uh, the weekly, oh yeah, sorry, no, I thought that the weekly design system was the same as the five-day concept. So it was a little bit in and out, because the five-day concept we said before was five goals to complete on a day every morning. Okay, okay, all right, so, but the weekly design system is to plan on your weekend and know what to do on your five days, okay, so it's a little bit different. So it's nice because you can implement the weekly design system to plan your five days and you can implement this technique with the five daily concept, so you can plan which kind of goal you like to complete in the morning. And then we have the 60-minute student, and then we have the 60-minute student. So those who are considered geniuses by society study for a minimum of 60 minutes each day. The moment we stop learning is the moment we stop growing, something really that we have to be aware about.

Speaker 1:

Number 14, the twin cycles. Now, in the twin cycles, we have two beautiful concepts here, and now we're going to talk about it. Before to talk about the twin cycles, you have to understand that a human being has five assets. So we have a mental focus, physical energy, personal willpower, original talent and data, time. Okay, you have to protect them. You have to protect these five assets. How are you going to do, via the twin cycles, so you can choose the high excellence cycle?

Speaker 1:

Basically, the work, the work that you can do to be focused, the work that you can do to put the physical energy on something you know any work is important to lead to your success. And then we have the deep refueling cycle. So the deep refueling cycle is the part where you relax, guys. This is the part where you finally take time and you rest because you have to recover. You have to recover the energy from the first cycle, from the work one Okay, very beautiful concept. When I first cycle from the work one Okay, very beautiful concept. When I read that, I was like amazed. And then at the end, we have the joy. Use joy as a GPS. I mean, yeah, do you really like what you're doing right now? How can you know that? Simply, if you are in joy, it means you are in a good path, guys. So use joy as a compass.

Speaker 1:

I do that Sometimes. I stop myself, for naturally, I stop myself for a couple of days because I see that I'm slowing down. And then I just ask myself, okay, am I enjoying here? When I ask this question, if the answer is yes, yes, I'm still enjoying. I can get full, I can get energy from it limited energy, you know. Yes, of course sometimes I'm tired, but I'm still happy, still happy. Yes, that's the answer. I can get limited energy. I can go forward to reach my success. If the answer is no no, I'm not enjoying, so that's not good means that, uh, something, something is trying me out. I have to understand what it is, and this, this can lead me to understand my you know my real path to achieve success. Guys, it was beautiful today, I truly loved it and, of course, if you like it, just put a like, share, comment and see you in the next episode. Thank you so much for being here on Journey to Success and see you, cheers.

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