Journey to Success

How to Become Supernatural with Dr. Joe Dispenza

Fabio Posca Season 2 Episode 9

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Discover how the common people achieve the uncommon in "Becoming Supernatural." This book review explores the neuroscience behind refusing to settle for mediocrity. Learn how to tap into your inner power and become supernatural with this book review. Explore how neuroscience can help you achieve the extraordinary! With Dr. Joe Dispenza you can tap into your supernatural potential and rise above the ordinary with "Becoming Supernatural." This book review explores the neuroscience behind refusing to settle for mediocrity and achieving extraordinary things. 

Embark on a transformative journey as we unlock the secrets of managing emotions and stress for a healthier, more vibrant life. Drawing inspiration from Joe Dispenza's "Becoming Supernatural," we delve into the signals our bodies send us when we're on the brink of burnout and how recalibrating our approach to life can lead to profound change. Understand the importance of living in the present and using positive emotions to craft the future we desire, all while mastering the reactions that shape our experiences. It's not just about weathering life's storms; it's about learning to dance in the rain and harnessing that energy to grow.

Feel the power of your personal energy and learn how it influences every aspect of your life. From the dynamics of relationships to your deepest aspirations, discover how managing your energy can open doors to new possibilities. We share Joe Dispenza's six principles for harnessing the power of thought and focus, including the art of changing your energy by changing your focus and the transformative potential of visualization. But it's not all theory; Dispenza's own recovery story vividly illustrates the astonishing potential of the mind-body connection to affect physical change, inspiring us to take hold of our destiny with both hands.

Finally, we explore the mysterious quantum field and how our positive thoughts and emotions can interact with it to shape our daily lives. Starting your day with intention and channeling positive energy isn't just a feel-good exercise; it's a practical strategy for setting the tone for what lies ahead. We'll share meditation techniques, yoga practices, and insights into heart intelligence, demonstrating how our interconnected energy fields can subtly yet powerfully influence those around us. This episode isn't just a conversation; it's a roadmap to harnessing your inner power for a life filled with joy, success, and self-trust.

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Speaker 1:

Hi guys, my name is Fabio from Journey to Success, and welcome. Today we're going to talk about this new book. So the name of the book is Becoming Supernatural by Jody Spencer, and it's a beautiful book. We talked already about it, we did some reading of the summary, but, as you are noticing, right now I like to take the previous topics to study better and give you a better value. So let's start Becoming supernatural first. Highlight Emotions and stress influence our health.

Speaker 1:

So emotions and stress influence our health. So something that you have to know about your emotions, about your stress, is that we have this limited room, okay, we have this limited room where we can contain a certain amount of stress so we cannot go over. When this happens, then we have problems like our body shut down and depression and headache burnout, etc. Etc. These generally, for the common opinion, are bad signs, but, deeply talking, these are good signals. I mean, they are bad signals, sorry, but they are good signs. They're bad signals because, of course, we talk about a negative situation, but it's a good sign. The fact that your body is trying to suggest to take a rest is trying to suggest to you know, to breathe in, breathe out, rethink about your life, remake something, reinvent something in a way to become better in the future and reach a different path right, or make an important correction. So that's the first lesson that you have to learn in this book. That's the first highlight. So we have this limited room and, yeah, it's limited. We cannot go so much far, we cannot go so much over, and so something that you have to know. So how can you deal with it then? How can you try to master this situation, this stress? Well, first of all, you have to live in the present. So that's what you have to do Be in the present. And be in the present and leave the present.

Speaker 1:

Now, I know that a lot of people around you says live in the present, be in the present. It's important to to be in the present, um, but why? What is the reason? The reason is that, uh, you can think negatively about the past, you can try to control your future, but it doesn't matter For your neurons and for your brain, whatever you are thinking about the past, whatever you are thinking about the future, anyway it translates in the present, continuous. So that's the reason why it's important to live in the present. Okay, well, you can always think about the past in a positive way. You can always think about the future, getting the right emotion, the positive emotion, but still they have to be translated in the present, right. That's also the reason why well, I don't want to go so much over or out the topic, but there's a reason why, with the law of attraction concept, they always say to you to talk in the present continuous, to talk in the present continuous like I'm healthy or I'm rich just make an example because it's very, very important to translate in the present continuous. And here we're not even talking about in this particular chapter, we're not even talking about a law of attraction, it's just in a science way, this is how our brain works, Okay, so, first point.

Speaker 1:

Second point changing your future by changing yourself. And that's very important, right? So if you have the capacity to know how to master your present right, how to master the thought and translate in the present, then what you can do, you can get the positive emotion, the positive feelings, and still put it in the present continuous, right, and of course it has to be a positive emotion and no negative feelings. As I said I don't know if I said already, but we're human and of course, but things happen. We're no robot. It's, and that's beautiful things, but it's uh, good to knowledge this. Okay, because, acknowledge this. Okay, because if something wrong happens in your life, if you acknowledge this, then you can recover better. Third point, so, third highlight it's nice to see that all the first three highlights are very connected with each other. So the third highlight says all the opportunities exist in the quantum field. So what is this quantum field? Now, the quantum field is just emptiness Emptiness beyond space and time. And inside this environment all the opportunities can exist. Okay, and, of course, of course, if you have positive feelings, you translate these positive feelings in positive emotions and you have a positive plan, you act positively about something, then you can create an environment inside this quantum field where your imagination can become a reality. Okay, that's what Joe Dispenza say from all his studies, all his studies.

Speaker 1:

Number four how much room you have for the unknown? Okay, how much room you have for the unknown? Here I would like to make an example with you. Okay, you are new in a company. Okay, you are new, oh well, you are new.

Speaker 1:

Or a company, okay, you are new, oh well, you are new or not, it doesn't matter, but let's say that you know that you didn't work that much in the last week. So you have a meeting with your CEO, with your boss, and your CEO says listen, I'm sorry, but that's not something that I like to see, right, so if you continue like that, then we have to terminate your contract. So what happened? You get negative feeling from it. You get negative feeling, you're pissed. Then you talk with your wife or your fiance or your friend and you're still pissed and you collect this negative energy. You also transfer your negative energy to the people, to the environment. Okay, so it's pretty normal.

Speaker 1:

Let's say that in the next week you do your best. So you do your best, you do your job, you do everything that you can right to go forward and, in a way, to make sure that the boss doesn't fire you. Basically, all right, perfect. You basically, uh, all right, perfect. So there is a point where, uh, your ceo calls you back again and, uh, he, he want to have a talk with you. Okay, now let's have a, let's have a pause here In this occasion. Right, even if you did a lot, even if you work so much, even if the percentage the boss could say to you that you did a good job. You have a memory. You had a memory about what happened in your past. And because in the past, like one week ago, the meeting wasn't that good, all right, it is pretty normal.

Speaker 1:

But it's also. It's a powerful thing. And what Jody Spencer called this area, this uncertain area, room for the unknown. But why it's a powerful thing? Because, if you think about it right, it doesn't really matter what the boss says the second time, because you have a kind of prediction situation where if he says to you that you are good in your job and you can continue, then you are happy. But if he says to you that he has to terminate your contract anyway, you are ready. You're ready because you are already familiar with the feeling. You are already familiar with what your boss can say to you and you can master this feeling. Okay, and I know that looks like I don't know, looks when I started the fourth point didn't look like a positive thing, but it is. You can master, you can manage and of course, you can be less anxious and less stressed. Then in the end it doesn't matter because you know you did your job that week and 90% that is going to be happy with you. Okay, but that's a very important concept, and this concept the name of the concept is room for the unknown, and you have a kind of prediction power here. Okay, that's very important when you understand more and more your feeling. Because when you understand your feeling, when you can master your feeling, so then you have a control in the present and you can lead, you can translate this feeling in something good for your future, because it means that you can still act positively, regardless if the situation is negative. And if you can act positively, then it means you can have a clear plan, a good plan, a clear action to make you know your goal come true.

Speaker 1:

Number five emotions are energy. Okay, okay, okay. So I have also here another example for you. You know we are talking about energy more and more, especially in this book, but if you think about it right, when you are, let's say, around someone, you can feel some lightness or some pressure. You can feel the energy level. For some of you it's very sensitive. Maybe for a bunch of you it doesn't feel so much, but we're still human beings and we're not only human beings. We are made as a material and energy as well, and we can feel it.

Speaker 1:

I tell you something my fiance and I are very sensitive, are very, very, very, very sensitive, are very sensitive, are very, very, very, very sensitive. So if, example, the children of our friends come in the house, we can feel, right, this lightness, this joy. Of course this is for 99.9% of the children here in the world, but you can feel it. You can feel there is no heaviness in a child, right? And I have to say the same for my sister, my sister right now. She lives in Switzerland, but she's always welcome to come here because her energy is so light, so it's not heavy at all. And at the end, it doesn't matter if, let's say, we host my sister for one month and maybe we have a fight. I just say it's just an example. My sister is not even a person who fights honestly, but let's say that we have a fight, right, and I'm sure I trust so much about her energy that is so light that the fight can end in 20 minutes and that energy is gone. You know what I mean. Even if it could be, some pressure from the fight, some heaviness from the fight is already gone.

Speaker 1:

So it depends person by person. And at the same time, there are people where their energy is pretty heavy Now. The energy can be good, can be positive, can be negative, but here we're not even talking about that, we're talking about the level of the energy, right, so a person can still be good, but it's possible that he had or is having a pretty hard life right now. And you can, you can feel that energy, right. And if, for some reason, my fiance and I are not, um, are not capable to invite someone, because for some reason, our energy is in a contrast, right, the energy of my fiance and I is in contrast, so then we don't do, then we don't invite people. It's not fair, it's not nice, you know.

Speaker 1:

And so it's important to read the energy of the people, it's important to understand, to know, know how to live your life. Example let's say that you have an exam, an exam for your university or maybe for your job, right, and at the same time, there is your best friend that wants to come in your house for one week. And as much as you love this friend, you know that she can be pretty intense because maybe she is having some issues right now. Okay, well, if in that week there is the exam that you have to do, I suggest you to take a choice or you are with your friend or you do the exam, because otherwise it goes wrong. Okay, so once you know the energy, the level of energy, once you know how to master it, once you know how to deal with the energy of the people, then you can, of course, in this case you can predict better your future.

Speaker 1:

Alright, so number 6 already you become what you think. So here we have 6 points, and I wrote it, and I would like to say thanks to storieshotscom. It's where I read my summary. I study my summary in a way that I can give you the best value, but I wrote word by word in this case. So of course, I would like to give some credit. And let's start.

Speaker 1:

So, number one so you become what you think. Number one To change your energy so you become what you think. Number one To change your energy, you must change where you focus. Number two when you focus on a specific visualization, you become present with a particular sequence of thought. Number three particular sequence of thought. Number three your brain and body want to know the differences between what you are thinking and what's happening in the outer world. Number four your biology will change accordingly. Number five when you are fully engaged and focused, the inner world of imagination will appear as an outer world experience. Number six you can make your brain and body look and feel like a physical experience has already happened without having the actual experience actual experience. So what does it say here? It says that if you are focused, if you are attentive, if you live in the present and you translate the right emotion and you translate this emotion to the right shape, then you can realize any dream. Now, I don't want to be Cinderella, but that's the concept.

Speaker 1:

Now, some of you can ask but Fabio, who is the writer? Who is Joe Dispenza? Why do you have to believe this guy? Okay, joe Dispenza, why do you have to trust him? Well, it's up to you if you have to trust him or not. I'm not here to tell you if you have to trust him or not, but let's give some credit to the writer. Okay, so Joe Dispenza was a chiropractic before an accident.

Speaker 1:

So in 1986, he had an accident with the bicycle. Now, the funny thing is that, well, it's not funny, but he had multiple broken vertebrae, so he couldn't walk. He couldn't walk. The doctor said to him he couldn't walk, he couldn't walk. The doctor said to him he couldn't walk. So they analyzed him, they did any check. There was no chance that this person could walk. Okay, all right. So Joe Dispenza didn't give up.

Speaker 1:

What he did was study science, quantum science, especially so quantum science, science and meditation, yoga, as much as he could do, because yoga, of course, requires some movement and imagination, a vision. So let's say that he did. He experimented so many things on his body to heal himself and today, despite what the doctor said to him in 1986, today, this guy walks, can jump. He has nothing. So it's for the doctor, for the science, that we know this is a miracle, okay, so that's the reason why he talks so in a so much, with so much confidence, about how, okay, how you can heal your body via vision, energy and imagination.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now it's up to you to believe, yes or not, and of course, I believe in energy, I believe in the quantum field as well, but I would like to keep my thought and my consideration for myself, of course, and it's up to you if you like to believe or not. However, regardless if you like to believe or not, however, regardless if you like to believe or not, this is an interesting book. It is an interesting uh concept to uh, to take it and to to have some, you know, to have some brainstorming maybe with, with the people around you. Number seven Access and use the powerful quantum field. Access and use the powerful quantum field Now, as we said. So, as we said, it's important to be in the present and to canalize this certain energy in your present. All right, but this energy, this emotion, has to be positive.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm going to make you an example now. Let's say you have to go to the job. Example now let's say you have to go to the job. You have to go to the job and the alarm didn't wake you up. You are already pissed with the world. You have to take the car, you are pissed. You are pissed because you already know, you are sure about it, that once you go to Amsterdam let's say that your job is in Amsterdam, right, and then you have to fight with a Dutch driver and I hear that Dutch drivers in the city are not that good. I work from home, so I don't know Just say, people say that, and so then you have to fight with them hardly, and you already know it's just in your brain. You already know that it's going to be hard, you're going to be tired. You already know you're going to be tired, okay.

Speaker 1:

So everything that you are thinking, when you think something that doesn't happen yet, right, and you put also the motion on it, then there is a good chance 89% probability that whatever you think is going to happen. Right, and it's the argument of the quantum field that we talked before. So if you give a certain, if you make a certain thought and you also put emotion on it in this quantum field, then whatever you are thinking is going to happen for sure. Okay, so it's important to have a positive feeling, a positive feeling, positive thought. No fight, it's going to have a positive feeling. A positive feeling, positive thought, no fight, it's going to be a beautiful day, the street is going to be wonderful. I mean, let's be honest, you can. You have two choices here when we are in the unknown area, right, you have two choices Think positively or think negatively. Okay, but if you think positively, you can master better the emotions. It's the same example that I made before about the boss, right? And in the second meeting with your boss, if you already know how to master that negative emotions, right, and perhaps your emotion becomes more positive, then it doesn't matter what is going to happen in the meeting, okay, so it's kind of the same concept here. So positive emotion leads to positive feeling. Positive feelings can lead to positive action, positive action can lead to positive days. Okay, so that's how works the quantum field, and alright. So Jody Spencer says how can you master these positive feelings in a way to have a better day, a better month, a better year? Well, through meditation. So, like you know, every morning, just don't think nothing, just wake up, make meditation, and it's going to get better and better.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to tell you something that I know, that I didn't read from the book, it's something from my knowledge, and in this occasion here I suggest a good yoga position the cobra pose. The name it's Bujangasana, if I'm not wrong, and it's part of the sun salutation. It's a very beautiful pose. So, as the first part of the sun salutation, you have to incline a little bit your back, your head, and it's a good position. First part of the sun salutation, you have to incline a little bit your back, your head, and, and it it's, it's, it's good position, because it gives you more happiness and you can master also any fear in that case. In the case of the car, it's the fear you know, to uh, to fight with the dutch driver. Okay, as example, and a very beautiful pose.

Speaker 1:

And, of course, just a note here I know that's not the book, but when you do yoga positions, guys, you have to have two important things the pranayama. So we have to use the pranayama, it's a technique to breathe in and breathe out with the nose. And the second thing is the Yoga Sutra. So every time you do a position, there is an affirmation phrase. In the case of the Cobra pose, the affirmation phrase is like I get up with determination and I overcome all the obstacles. Okay, yoga, these yoga sutras are so important. When I look on YouTube around, they say they teach yoga, they just teach Pilates. Now, about the pranayama for the breathing and the breath out. Maybe that it's a little bit technical. So I understand if you don't want to do straight away, but at least, at least do the yoga sutra. Okay, when you do this position to you know, to reach some positivity in your life, do the yoga sutra and just you know, any yoga pose has a proper yoga sutra. Yeah, yeah, that is going to help you a lot.

Speaker 1:

And number nine use your heart, your heart, intelligence. So Jody Spencer says. Because of this field, information is communicated, not locally, between people, at a subconscious level, through the automatic nervous system. In other words, we are bound and connected by an invisible field of energy and this energy field can affect everyone's behaviors, emotional states and conscious thoughts. Joe dispenses. Everyone's behaviors, emotional states and conscious thoughts. Joe Dispensers, you know, before I made the example about invite people in the house, you have to invite the right people in the house, or, in a way, if you cannot handle a certain energy in that moment, just postpone energy in that moment, just postponed.

Speaker 1:

And this concept is also related to the right friends. Okay, when you want to do something very big, very important, in a project way, you have to have the right environment, you have to have the right people around you and when you have the right people, it's just amazing. We talked already about it, about infinite intelligence, collaborative brainstorming. And when you have the right people that share positive feelings, positive emotions, everything is connected. So it's a connect intelligence. But you can reach this connect intelligence only if you are in line with each other.

Speaker 1:

Okay, number 10. Leverage the power of intention and elevated emotion. Okay, so this is very, very beautiful and very easy also to explain. When you reach Okay, let's talk. Let's go back a little bit about our topic.

Speaker 1:

Okay, journey to success. You want to reach your success, right, what you have to have? Two things to leverage your goal. The first thing is a clear vision. You have to have a clear vision. Clear vision is if you have a clear vision, you have already 50,. You did already 50, 60% of what you had to do to reach your goal. Okay, personal example in my life I dedicated more than 10 years to reach what I thought was my financial freedom. It didn't work out. Why didn't work out? Because I didn't have a clear vision. Okay, so you have to have a clear vision, very, very important.

Speaker 1:

And the second thing is use your emotions. Use your emotions, and so you have to combine the clear intent, so the clear vision, with emotion, like love, joy and gratitude. You know, I would like to say something here about love, attraction and everything they say to you yes, just imagine something and write in the paper and you know next day you're gonna get it. It's not easy like that, it is more like that. You have to have the two things. Once it's the clear vision, correct, perfect, so you really want to achieve something. You have to have a clear, a perfect, clear vision. And the second thing is feel it. Feel it that you can have it. So you have to feel in your bones that you already have it and you have not to stress, you have to relax, you have to feel joy, you have to feel it and you have not to stress, you have to relax, you have to feel joy, you have to feel love. Okay, so you have to put these emotions, you have to put positive emotions. So it's not that easy, because when we do certain things to reach our goal, our success, we are mostly we are just thinking, but we don't really give the right emotions and mostly it's negative.

Speaker 1:

Number 11, tap into the power of open focus. So, tap into the power of open focus. And here I can also talk better about also the previous chapter a little bit. I have an example for you. There is this beautiful wallpaper I'm sure that you know about it, and the name of the wallpaper is left brain versus right brain and uh, it's beautiful because you see the wallpaper, you see that to the left of the brain there is everything like, uh, like math, logic and like pretty how can I say fact things. And that is your thinking part. Okay, it's to the left side and then to the right side we have the creative part. So the creative part, the imagination, vision, colors. So the creative part, the imagination, vision colors and paint, yoga, meditation. So that's all the right side.

Speaker 1:

Now, this is just a simplistic example. Of course, it's not like really that to the left it's analytical and to the right it's creative. Our brain works in a different way. Every part is localized in different areas of the brain. But just to make it very simple for you, okay, that's not the point, let's keep it like that. The point is to the right side of the brain is where we have the alpha waves, and these alpha waves can walk between 8, 12 hertz and in this way you can enter better the quantum field, better the quantum field and this situation, the name of this situation is the open focus. All right, so that's the reason why you have to be analytical. So have a good plan, a good vision and everything, but then you have to relax, you have to relax, you have to relax, you have to meditate, make meditation and just breathe in and breathe out. You know yoga and have faith, surrender, that you can reach your goal. That's it.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you something, guys my best something, guys, my best ideas. I had it when I had um, uh, my, my relaxed moment. So when I decided to make a podcast, it was on 2022, october 2022. I already tried another time, like four or five years ago. I already tried, but I hadn't clear vision talking about vision. So then I decided, with a real motivation, a real vision, on on 2022, on october, and that was a good decision, evidently. But I did this decision when we were in a cottage with my fiance and we had no phone. We were in a relaxed mood. So, like I, like I didn't, I wasn't doing anything for my success.

Speaker 1:

Another thing that I, another idea that I had, was again when I was in a cottage. I think it was, I think it was this year also, when I decided to change my name of the podcast, because the name of the podcast was the Fabio Podcast. But then I realized that I wanted something more for us, for us, for you, for the people around, for my community, and then I changed to Journey to Success Still a great idea. And I had this idea when I had no phone with me, you know, or computer, nothing. Still, we were in this park again, in this cottage.

Speaker 1:

Now what is the point? The point is that, yes, you have to think about how to reach your success and makes in a way to make some plan and whiteboard. In a way to make some plan and whiteboard, you know, whatever that can, you can do everything, whatever that can request to reach your success, but at the same time, you also have to. There is a moment where you have to surrender yourself and you have to trust yourself, because if you have a clear vision, the only thing you need. So if you have a clear vision, it means you have to trust yourself, because if you have a clear vision, the only thing you need.

Speaker 1:

So, if you have a clear vision, it means you have a clear plan. If you have a clear plan, it means that you are acting already good, okay. So now breathe in and breathe out. You're ready on a good 50-60% of your path. Just have faith. Breathe in and breathe out, enjoy, get joy, love and congratulate yourself and, uh, and trust me, you are gonna reach your success. Okay, guys, thank you so much for being here on our journey to success and this, so I'm very happy that you're still here and I have listeners over listeners and very, very happy and very grateful truly, and I can't wait to see you to the next episode. Cheers.

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