Journey to Success

Navigating the Path to Prosperity with the Philosophy of Think and Grow Rich

Fabio Posca Season 2 Episode 8

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Discover the secrets to thinking and growing rich with Napoleon Hill! Learn about passive income, making money online, and more. Start your journey to financial success today! Learn how to navigate the path to prosperity with the philosophy of Think and Grow Rich. Discover passive income ideas and how to make money online using these principles.

Ever wondered what it takes to create a life brimming with success? Join me, Fabio, as we discuss Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich," unpacking the mighty influence of a clear vision on your quest for achievement. Whether your dream is financial independence or reveling in the joys of family life, the clarity of intent is your North Star. I'll share how, through my own narrative, a razor-sharp focus shattered years of wandering, propelling me toward my ambitions. We'll delve into the transformational role of desire and the profound motivations that keep the fire of dedication burning.

Let's talk about how nurturing your imagination and subconscious can catapult you to new heights. In the podcasting world, there's a unique dance between skill sharpening and audience engagement that I've come to adore. We dissect the creative and synthetic imaginings that can lead to innovation, highlighting the serendipitous magic that sometimes accompanies them. The episode is an intimate conversation that stretches beyond the realm of the obvious, diving into the symbiotic relationship between knowledge, education, and achieving goals across diverse landscapes. Buckle up as we explore how positive reinforcement can revolutionize your personal growth trajectory.

In our final chapter, we lay out the cornerstone principles for conquering your goals. The journey to success is a tapestry woven with belief, persistence, and the wisdom to learn from failure. I’ll guide you through Hill's four essential conditions for success and the eight stages of persistence, enriched by the tapestry of my experiences. Here's to defining your purpose, immersing yourself in positive circles, and embarking on a relentless pursuit of knowledge—all while savoring the scenic route to your destination. So, lend me your ears for an episode that promises to buoy you on a wave of transformation and steadfast resolve.

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Speaker 1:

Hi guys, my name is Fabio from Journey to Success, and welcome. Today we're going to talk about this new book and I'm sure you know. The name of the book is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, and I'm going to give you my highlights. I'm going to share with you the value of this book about what I learned, and let's go forward. So we have 13 points and let's start with the first one, of course. First point Without clear goals, we cannot start our journey towards success.

Speaker 1:

I would like to talk about my personal example. It is important to have a clear goal, but it is more important to have a clear vision, because only when you have a clear vision, then you you have a clear vision, then you can have a clear plan. Okay, and in my case, I try to achieve my success. So my success is the financial freedom. As you know, any person has his on his own success. So for someone it can be financial freedom, for someone else it can be the great mother or father, for someone else it can be achieve a good position in the job. I mean there are different types of success, the job. I mean there are different type, different types of success, but my personal one is about financial freedom. Okay, about financial freedom give value to the people but it wasn't that. This vision wasn't that clear for me. So I I used to spiral around for years and years because what I want to do is exactly what I want to do now, that is, financial freedom and work from home. You are too much generic and at the same time, you don't really have a clear vision about what to do. Then you're gonna just lose ears.

Speaker 1:

Let's say, invest years if you get the right knowledge to go forward, but if you don't know how to do that right, because you are inside a bad environment or environment that doesn't help you to achieve your success. So it looks like well, we cannot talk about losing years or losing months or losing days. Ok, there is always an investment. I learned so much in the last 10 years before to to have a clear vision about what I want to do. But, at the same time, if I had a clear vision about what I wanted to do, then right now I would be in a different position. So it is important to have a good vision and be aware it doesn't matter how many years. Of course you know you're going to invest Before I use the word lose and I just correct myself. Guys, we don't lose years, we don't lose months. We don't lose months. We don't lose days. We invest on uh um, on knowledge, and sometimes we don't get the right knowledge, but anyway, we learn from mistakes and eventually we can teach our mistakes and teach the correction to some someone else, like I'm doing with you. So you don't lose anything. Okay, we're talking about investment. Still, if you have a better vision about yourself, about what you want to do, if you have a clear vision about what you want to do, then you have a clear plan. And if you have a clear plan, of course you're going to achieve your success faster.

Speaker 1:

Okay, this was the first point. Second point you can get what you seek as long as you hold on to your desires. So you can get what you seek as long as you hold on to your desires. So what is your desire, what you want to do in your life? Let's say that you want to become a doctor. Okay, perfect, that's not enough. So you have to keep that desire. You have to, you have to to, you have to surrender yourself, be open, and as soon as you say I want to become a doctor, then you have to do anything that you know you need to do to become a doctor and, especially, you have to have the right fool. It has to be very deep.

Speaker 1:

So what is the reason why you want to become the doctor? What is the reality? Why? What is your purpose? What can be the fool, the limited fool, to reach that goal, to invest so many years to become a doctor? Personal example I have a clear vision now. I want to become a podcaster. I want to teach my mistakes to the people in a way that they can learn from them. I really wish that people can achieve their dream faster than myself, achieve their dream faster than myself. But what is the limited fool? What is the limited fool that makes me wake up early in the morning and do this? What is the limited fool to share knowledge to you guys? What it is. So I really have to go deep.

Speaker 1:

There are basically two things in my case. One one of them is the fact that I want to, um, leave a mark on this world before, before I die. I'm not sick or something, but somehow I have a fear of death. I have a fear to die. And what I do? I master this fear and then I say to myself okay, you know what? At least I want to teach something to someone before I leave. I would like to print, I would like to mark my territory in this world. Maybe it's too much self-centered, though. Maybe it's too much I'm sure that there is the ego as well in the middle right, but it doesn't matter. It's a fuel for me, it's the right fuel to go forward.

Speaker 1:

The second thing that really leads me to get up in the morning and do everything that I'm doing right now is the fact that when I was young, I didn't achieve what I wanted to achieve. Now I am in a while and I'm gonna be 35 years old, and it doesn't matter how old I am, because I realized that the age is just numbers. So I could take my previous dreams, my young dream, right. I could take it, I can put commitment and I'm sure that if I'm very focused, I can realize it. But that's not the point. The point is that there is a small part of me, a young part of me, that didn't achieve that dream. I wonder. We're going to talk about it, and even if now I'm sure that I can achieve it if I put commitment, there is always a small part of me that says you didn't do at that time.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that part leads me to talk to you and say to you guys achieve your dreams, achieve your dreams, achieve your success, achieve your goal, achieve everything that you want to do in your life, because we live only once, and here it's the the, the fear to die. We live only once and um, and we want to mark our our ground. We want to do okay, don't abandon your dreams. That's very important. Go forward, doesn't matter how many obstacles there are during the way. You're gonna learn from it. You have not to be scared, you have not to be afraid. You're gonna learn from it and that's how you do right. Once you achieve something, you achieve something because you learn from it and you, of course, you learn from mistakes, from obstacles that you have to overcome during your way. Okay, so just find your deeply find your fuel, your limited fuel that one day is gonna lead you to reach your goal, reach your success generally.

Speaker 1:

Napoleon Hill oh, this is nice wrote this plan to you know to stick on your desires. So how to do so? We have these six points, I think. So you have to decide how much money you want to earn. Of course, be aware, guys, we're talking about think and grow rich and evidently, his you know his journey to success, let's say in this way so his journey to success refers to money. Okay, so decide how much money you want to earn, but, as I said before, guys, it's up to you. It can be money, it can be children, it can be anything. Okay, but let's skip this example anyway, since we're talking about, properly about think and grow rich.

Speaker 1:

So, first point. Second point determine what you are willing to give to receive this amount of money. So what is that you can give to receive this amount of money? So what is that you can give to receive this amount of money? What is that you can give to receive the right knowledge to get that goal? Talking more about generally, okay, what is that you can invest to get the right knowledge to get your success? Third point choose a date by which you aim to have obtain all this money. This is, this is tricky. Uh, choose a date by which you aim to have obtained all this money.

Speaker 1:

I sometimes do. Sometimes I like to put a date to, you know, to achieve my any goal that I like to set up in my brain. But I'm not that obsessive. I'm not that obsessive because achieving something, achieving anything in your life, requests time or not. It depends what you achieved until now In the percentage way, right when you are in terms of knowledge and skills. So you always I think you always have to make this question.

Speaker 1:

That's very important because you know, if you start as YouTuber but, let's say, you are allergic of social media, you never install anything. You are not tech, but you still have this passion because you, let's say that you want to be in front of the camera, because you want to do motivational speaking. I'm just saying, of course you can do. It doesn't matter Even if you, at that moment, moment, your knowledge, your skills, your tech mindset is equal to 2%, maybe 1%. Of course you can do, of course you can start. But fix a day well, you have to be realistic. Okay, a day well, you have to be realistic, okay. Number three difference between sorry.

Speaker 1:

Number four create a detailed plan of how you will reach this goal and consider what you can do right now. Then we have the six points right above in a clear statement. I like to write my goals and my plan in a letter. Finally, make sure you read the statement about twice a day. It's very good practice for your subconscious to make you understand that you can do in this way, subconscious to, to make you understand that you can do in this way, you can give yourself the right dominant, positive thought that is going to lead you to, uh, to reach your success, because from a positive thought we have a positive action. Okay, don't forget it. And when you, um, when you, you know, when you write in a statement and and then you, you say vocally twice a day, it just becomes stronger and stronger. So, very important, and it's nice also how Napoleon Hill in this full plan, looks like he divided this plan in two parts. So the first part is about clear vision, because we have decided how much money you want to earn, determine what you are willing to give to receive this amount of money, etc. But, of course, once you have a clear, clear, clear, super clear vision about what you want to do, then start the plan. Then you are going to have a clear plan about what you want to do, even if during the way, there are going to be a lot of corrections. That's normal, but still that's the right path to reach your goal.

Speaker 1:

Number three difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief, no more hope or wish. Open-mindedness is essential for belief. Napoleon Hill this is a kind of a quote, and yeah, of course, I think it's also pretty normal, right? How many times we wish something, how many, how many candles we blow up? We blow up every every year. You know, it doesn't matter. If you don't stick the desire. You know, if you, if you are not open to you, know, if you don't surrender yourself, if you don't really believe 100% that you can achieve it, then you don't. Most of us, I include also myself, we are afraid to wish to become a billionaire. Okay, so one can say to me yeah, all right, it's kind of impossible. Well, yes, if I'm not convinced myself that it's possible, of course it's not possible, all right. So you have to. Your mind has to be open. It's important to wish something, but you have to be open to receive it.

Speaker 1:

Do you really believe about what you're doing right now? Okay, now I'm talking about the people who are in a journey on their success. Do you really believe 100? Do you believe that you can achieve that success? Do you make this question to yourself? Because this was also my uh mistake. I don't really want to call it a mistake, but let's say mistake. This was my mistake of the last decade, for more than a decade. Okay, I used to make some, I used to make questions myself Do I really believe? And then was like, okay, I believe maybe 60%, 65% about what I'm doing trading Do I really believe? And account manager of a trading company Do you really believe? Web agency Do you really believe so? And mostly was like above 60%, so you really have to. No, above, sorry, it was lower than 60 percent. And, uh, do you believe it? Yes or not? You have to believe it, guys. So, 100 percent, 200 percent, you have to believe it. Okay, so you have to be open about it.

Speaker 1:

Number four faith cannot coexist with fear. And totally true, of course you have to master your fear to to have faith on something. Okay, let's say that you have a fear, uh, to be in front of the camera. I'm gonna make a general example, because I know a lot of people are afraid about it. Right, and you have to, but at the same time, you want to become a youtuber, you have to master that fear, fear. Okay, uh, an advice that I can give uh, that was my path, even if I wasn't, I wasn't afraid of the camera. I'm not afraid of the camera, but this path helped me to improve better my um, my grammar skills. I'm still studying, yeah, but still. So what I did for more than a year was do podcast.

Speaker 1:

Okay, with the podcast, it's only audio Generally, you are just more confident. There is no algorithm in the podcast. It means that you don't grow that easy, like social media, so, or youtube, and this can be a disadvantage for um, uh, for a group of people. But if you think about it, can be also a big advantage, because if you are good, if you are really really, really, really, really, really, really, really good, then of course you can grow on the podcast everywhere if you master your topic. But if you're not that good yet, that's perfect. So you don't get so much engagement. I don't think even we can talk about engagement in the podcast. Let's say, you don't get the right amount of listeners, so you just see a couple of listeners per day, especially at the start. You just see like zero, one, two, no, even daily. So so my experience also, uh, that's a little bit better, but still, you can grow, um, you can grow on your own. You can master the skills, the right skills that, when they are gonna uh, are gonna make, are going to make you achieve everything in your life, especially your goal. Okay, but then if you still wish to become a YouTuber, then after one year or two years of podcast, once you are ready, then you can jump on the camera and I tell you you're going to be surprised how much confident you're going to be. Okay, very important. So you can master your fear to have faith about everything that you want to do in your life to achieve a certain goal, to achieve a certain success. All right.

Speaker 1:

Number five the subconscious can influence our behavior. And see, here I was talking before, actually on the. You know, when I talk about the statement on number two, finally, make sure you read this statement about twice a day. On number two finally, make sure you read this statement about twice a day. And in this case, your subconscious can, can grow in a positive way, and with a positive subconscious, we have a positive dominant, though. The positive dominant thought is something that I I before I also said in another episode, and the positive dominant thought leads you for a positive action. Okay, a positive action leads you to a positive, good plan and a better vision.

Speaker 1:

First, number six. Number six Knowledge is power. So beautiful phrase. Knowledge is power. So be aware here For knowledge, we don't talk about education. So the education is the process to learn, process to learn something, to make you achieve a targeted thing. Okay, let's say that you want to become a doctor. Still, I'm going to make the same example. Of course, you need the right process to, to learn to, to become a doctor in the we're talking about the university okay, but let's say you would like to become a motivational speaker. Okay, and yeah, with the motivational speakers, you need a full knowledge. So maybe you need to go to some seminars, maybe listen to some motivational quotes on YouTube and do online courses or meet one of the best motivational speakers in your opinion, in your country. You know it's a different path, okay, so you have to understand that education and knowledge are two different things.

Speaker 1:

Number seven the importance of imagination. This is a so beautiful topic, so there are two types of imaginations. There is the creative imagination and the synthetic imagination. So the creative imagination is when you start something from scratch. You have a great idea, beautiful idea, and you go forward and you go forward and then you try everything to achieve that idea, to make it real. And of course, it's difficult to realize something from scratch Because an original idea is it's not tested, because you are inventing something. So it means that you have to make a lot of experiments, you have to make a lot of corrections if you would like to make it work. You have to go forward and literally you have to eat bread and failure every day to learn how to achieve. You know how to achieve the goal, to make the idea real. It's very hard, but then, once you achieve it, then you are a genius. Basically, ok, because you invented something.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes a creative imagination can be also by luckiness. If I really want to make a recent example, it's not that recent anymore, but talking about social media, right, kaby Lame, or Kaby Lame, he had a creative imagination, a creative idea where you know all the story about that. He used to take this topic where he was showing how it was easier to do things on his way, on a human being way, than how they show up from social media. And of course I'm not saying that for him it was easy. I'm sure that he tried different times before to get that point. But the point is that there is also likeness in that case, and also with not most of the things, but most of the genius and scientists. Sometimes, when they used to get something, it was because also luckiness so creative imagination.

Speaker 1:

It's something interesting, something very, very, very, very, very nice in terms of concept, but of course you have to work for it, otherwise, yes, you can be lucky, but we're talking about I don't know very, very, very few chances that you can get it the synthetic imagination. In this case we talk about an old idea. So someone take an old idea and make this idea as a new concept. One of the most famous examples is the. It was the CEO from Coca-Cola. He took an old recipe from a pharmacist and then he made a drink. Okay, also, in this case, I'm goingize with a, with a recent you know recent age, with social media.

Speaker 1:

Um, when someone makes a reel and that a reel is too much original, too much out of the uh, I'll got it, just pass me this term then that idea doesn't go easily right, unless maybe you do three, four reels per day, or even one reel per day for years, and then something goes viral. Then we're talking about a kind of likeness. So it's part of the process still. But the point is that most of the people on social media they do nothing wrong on it, but they do copycat. Okay, that's literally synthetic imagination. So what do they do? They take a previous topic, a topic that has been already invented from someone else because of lackiness or because actually he worked to make it viral, or simply sometimes comes from a VIP, it doesn't matter from who. But then there is this copycat environment, copycat system, where the person, the current person, just take the previous idea and he makes on his own, on his way with a new concept. Okay, sometimes the view they go actually higher than the previous one or at times slower. But that's the concept of synthetic imagination, as I say nothing wrong on it. That's, it looks like something that we invented.

Speaker 1:

Now, with social media, has been always here and it's part to learn also because, of course, if you really like to be, also because, of course, if you really like to be original, yes, maybe you can start with a synthetic imagination. All right, there is nothing wrong on that, but then it's also beautiful to that's my opinion, of course to invent something, create something in a way to make it original. I'm going to make my personal example. Still, I start with the podcast that I used to interview people about success. The topic was very nice, it's about successful stories but still was a host-guest concept. Okay, it's something very known in the podcast environment. And then I decided to read summary books Also. That one was a kind of lazy move, yes and no, it was just to learn to, to understand also the next step okay. And now I'm here with you and I feel it's more and more original what I do. Okay. So nothing wrong about synthetic imagination, nothing wrong to do copycats on Instagram or social media, but it's also beautiful to create something original and all right.

Speaker 1:

So, number eight understand your weakness to master your strength. Understand your weakness to master your strength. Understand your weakness to master your strength. And this is a very nice concept because when you master your weakness, then it's kind it's like the fear, right. So when you master your fear, then you, you know, you get the right bunch of faith to go forward. It's the same here If you master your weakness, then you can develop better your strength. Same concept and it's very, very, very, very nice. There is an example here, also by myself. I think I'm going to go forward, I'm going to try to be quick. So it's just because I really would like you to understand better this concept here.

Speaker 1:

Let's say that my fiancé and I go to the church, right, and let's say that the priest, after you know, after the usual talk for one hour, then before the end of the mass, he says people, if you like to go to this address, you can have some cake and coffee. That's something that happened in Easter. So it's pretty common when you talk about Catholic church, then we haven't been there After church, we just went home. But in a situation like that, where there are, let's say, a bunch of people around me, a group of people that try to connect with me, and the chaotic fact that I'm in a room with strangers personally talking, it's not comfortable from my point of view. From my side, I feel very. I don't show honestly, so much, not at all, maybe, but I'm very, very, not very, very uncomfortable. But let's, but I'm not very, very uncomfortable, but let's say I'm not that charismatic.

Speaker 1:

I cannot go straight away on the floor with the people, so I have to analyze the room, I have to analyze the people. I have to have the perception to trust the people around me. And this is going to take some time. It can take minutes, it can take hours, it depends the people. Can take also years, so it truly depends. Uh um, uh it. It depends of my bonding time.

Speaker 1:

But once I bond, so that's my let's say, that's my weakness. But once I bond, then I know that I can be very interesting. I know I can be very interesting. I know that I can teach to someone everything that I learn about my, my journey and at the same time I am very curious and silent about the other person in front of me because at the same time, I like to be the student. I like to, to learn, to hear from, from this new stranger or this new friend. I I like to get knowledge. There is this shareable energy. It's very beautiful. But before to go there, there is my weakness. So I have to be quiet. Sometimes it's a little bit awkward, but I cannot bond straight away. It doesn't happen always.

Speaker 1:

Let's say that when I'm one one-to-one it's different. When I'm one-to-one it's it's. It's actually okay because I can analyze better my environment, the person in front of me straight away. When we talk about two people, it depends. But then when there are three, four, five, six people, at the start I have to have to breathe in and breathe out a little bit, understand in which way I have to approach them, if I like them, etc. Etc. So this is just an example. Of course, I have different weakness. I have a cons and pros, and you have as well. It doesn't matter, it's life, we are human beings, but you have to learn how to master your weakness, because only in this way you get the best from your strength.

Speaker 1:

Alright, so stick to your plans and stick to your plans. We have three beautiful concept. We have a belief, persistence and correction. First of all, you have to have a clear vision, so we talk about that very important. Have to have a clear vision, so we talk about that Very important. Once you have this clear vision, then it means you're going to have a clear plan Very important as well.

Speaker 1:

Once you have a clear plan, you have to stick to your plan. How can you stick to your plan? You can stick to your plan via these three words Belief, persistence and correction. Belief, so just continue to believe about your vision. Okay, persistence. So you have to know that during the way you're going to fail consistently, and then you have to get up. You have to fail and get up. So that's the way you're gonna fail consistently, and then you have to get up. You have to fall and get up. So that's the way there is. There is nothing else.

Speaker 1:

Okay, as much as you have a good vision, as much as your vision is good I mean, as much as your vision is clear, as much your plan is good, then it doesn't matter how many months or years you're going to invest on something. Okay, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. That's the beauty of things. Is the journey to success, the journey to achieve your dream, the journey to achieve your success? Okay. And then correction, because if you fail, then it means that you have to correct something. You have to learn something from it. Based on this, we have four conditions as well. That's something from Napoleon Hill Produce a concrete goal that you are passionate about. Second point create a detailed plan to achieve smaller goals. Do not let negative opinion impact your thoughts or behaviors. And then we have develop strong relationships with those who can support you. Very beautiful. And we have also eight stages of persistence to make this plan better.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to read guys for you. I didn't think it was something that I had to study because it's truly a step-by-step process. So define your purpose. This is the first point. You need to know what you're doing. Be obsessive If I can say some words about obsessive, it's okay. Be obsessive about your idea, your concept, your topic, your goal, your success very enough. But you have to balance this obsession with healthiness. So you have to balance the obsession way to get your success with the fact that you are going to get one day.

Speaker 1:

If you have a good vision, a good plan means that you have not to stress. Okay, that's. It was my personal experience. I stress a lot in my life to achieve something. Now I'm more in uh, in a surrender, uh, surrendering mood. I'm more like, okay, I know my vision, I know my plan, I'm gonna get it, I will get it okay. But I know my vision, I know my plan, I get the one, it's okay. I enjoy the process, it's fine. So I still um do everything in a consistent way. I I'm a human being. Sometimes, of course, there is a lack of consistency. That's okay.

Speaker 1:

Now I have also energy to wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning. There was a moment in my life where I used to wake up at 5, but after six months was very stressful. I had a day, kind of for one year. It was very stressful. I had a day for one year was very bad, but the truth is that I wasn't sleeping so much. So it's okay to wake up early, but don't believe about what gurus say to you. It's okay to wake up early if you can, if you're comfortable for it, but you have to take care of yourself, because if you don't take care of yourself, then you don't perform. If you don't perform, then you don't achieve anything in your life.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and I'm not talking about success, I'm talking about generally about life. Okay, to perform, you have to eat better, you have to drink. You, uh, you are, you are, uh, you are this you are a sim. From the sims. You know, I'm sure, that 90 of the people here play to the game. So so you, of course, you can, you are a monster, you are beautiful, you are being, you can do everything, you can achieve everything, but at the same time, uh, don't believe about, about you know from all the, the bench of gurus that that says to you yeah, put a day to go forward.

Speaker 1:

I was one of them, honestly. So, yes, you can achieve everything, anything that you can, but still, uh, you have to eat, you have to drink, you have to sleep, you have to drink, you have to sleep, you have to enjoy, enjoy the life. Enjoy the life. You need to have a balanced plan, okay. So, yes, now I wake up in the morning, honestly, if I see that I study my script, I read enough and I'm good for the next month, I read enough and I'm good for the next month, then I can easily decide to stop and rest, you know. So try to rest for the month forward. So try to, you know, to balance your life. It's a point where it's very important for me. You know, be obsessive, yes, okay, fair enough, but there is a certain balance, a limit that we have to respect.

Speaker 1:

Surround yourself well, surround yourself well, surround yourself with people, evidently but I didn't write it so people who believe in you, of course, and believe that you can achieve your goal. Then we have define your plans. So your plan, you know, has to be clear, clear vision, clear plan, accurate knowledge, and this is something we're going to talk now in a while. But it's important to have good skills, good knowledge. How can you get good skills, good knowledge? Only if you have a good vision and a good plan. Okay, it's always about that. Be persistent.

Speaker 1:

So every time you fall, you get up and the full vision about your main goal and small goals. Okay, I always like to make this example. Imagine yourself. I think I truly make this example every time. Kind of 50% of my episodes have this example. So imagine yourself like Castaway, right, so you are in this island and you have to achieve another island. Okay, that's your main goal, but there is an ocean in the middle. So what you have to do? Of course you have a good vision to go to the main island. So good vision means a good plan. So you know, you build your boat and then you go forward. But what you have to imagine every time when we talk about small goals, just imagine a bunch of small islands during. You know islands during your way. Imagine to stop sometimes in these small islands.

Speaker 1:

So you achieved something. You can breathe in, breathe out, you can eat a little bit, you know, and then you go forward. Then again, you can breathe in, breathe out, you know, once you achieve the second small island, you eat a little bit and then you go forward. That's very important because you can look back and you can see how many islands you achieve already. So, okay, the main island is still there, but it doesn't matter. It's important to congratulate yourself. It's important to say, hey, I'm doing it From now on. I have just reached the end. Okay, very important.

Speaker 1:

And master your daily behavior. Of course, your daily behavior has to be a positive behavior. That's something that we talked already about it. Then we have another point, it's point 10. Yes, it's point 10 is reinforce your positive emotion. Point 10 is reinforce your positive emotion.

Speaker 1:

A positive emotion is a positive thought that leads to positive action, positive action that leads to positive emotion and positive emotion that leads to unlimited fuel, unlimited fuel. It's so good to have an unlimited fuel. Yes, you can start now. You can open. You want to become a youtuber or something else? You can open your youtube account and start to make some, some video, but we talk already about it. What is the unlimited fuel? Because we're not talking about only one video. We talk about four videos per month, or six or eight, or maybe two, it doesn't matter. But that video per month, then they're going to be around 50 euro per year, and then in the second year we're talking about 100 videos and then in three years there are still 150 videos. You have to have a limited full Because listen, then in 10 years, then, yes, you're going to get 500 videos. Listen, and then in 10 years, then, yes, you're going to get 500 videos. But what is the most thing that drives you to reach that goal, to reach to achieve 500 videos in 10 years? I'm making this example about a YouTuber because it's the closer one right, talking about what we're living right now with social media and everything, but of course it refers to anything else.

Speaker 1:

Okay, number 11, collaborative brainstorms. I love this topic Collabor, collaborative brainstorms. I love this topic Collaborative brainstorms. So how can you? First of all, how can you get infinite intelligence? How can you get infinite intelligence?

Speaker 1:

You know about the myth that we use only 10% of the brain. Right, it's just a myth. First of all, what we can use is just a part of our brain every time. So, every time we think about something or we want to achieve something, we want to make a plan, we are still using 100% of the brain. That's what the science says, but at the same time, we cannot use all the parts of our brain altogether at the same time. So you know, there is the logic part, the creative part, etc. Etc. We cannot.

Speaker 1:

But when you do a collaborative brainstorm, collaborative brainstorm, it's so beautiful because you get the infinite intelligence, because if there are more people around you, right that they help you to achieve your dream, can you imagine At the same time there is a person that use the creative part, and then another person use the logic part, and then there is you, that you, you get knowledge and you share your knowledge as well to help them, to help you. It's so beautiful, collaborative brainstorm, it's so, so, so powerful. And we don't talk so much, unfortunately. Then we have accumulated experience, so it's something that you can get also from the collaborative brainstorming. I mean, it's so powerful.

Speaker 1:

How can you learn something to achieve your goal or your success? Usually it's just failing, right. So more you fall, more you learn. Okay, that's the riddle. But what happened when you have around you people who fell, who fell um a lot before you, and they already know how to overcome a certain obstacle? So you get already the overcome, you get already the final answer okay, so very beautiful.

Speaker 1:

This is the second point. Third point is experiment and research. Experiment and research is, I think it's the basis, it is basic, right? I mean, when you uh have an idea from a creative imagination or synthetic imagination, because also in the synthetic imagination I request some, uh, some imagination as well. Even if uh, let's talk about tiktok, even if you are copying something, but you still have to work to make it new, to make it better, right? So I mean, maybe you're lucky, you're going to be viral straight away after the idea, but what about if it doesn't work? Of course you have to make correction. You have to make A-B test, like, okay, maybe the camera was too much far, I'm going to make it more close. Okay, experiment and research. But what happens when the people around you already tested this? It means you have not to test. They're going to give you the answer Like, hey, you know what? I tested so many times the camera that from my calculation, you can put it one meters from you, or something like that. I'm just guessing, but that's the point. You know, with the collaborative brainstorm you get so much outcome. Right, outcome, because someone else already did for you.

Speaker 1:

Number 12, sex transmutation. This is a very beautiful concept. Sex transmutation and sex transmutation is a part written by Napoleon Hill in the book, but of course it's not from him. It's a concept that is alive since 5,000 years now. And because I want to learn a little bit more better, I searched this website, thesoulgemcom. So we give some credit. Thank you, you, guys. And and what this? What they say is energy cannot be destroyed. In the case of men, when salmon is retained, it's absorbed back into the body to nourish the higher energy center nervous system and the brain. So what he's trying to say to you here is that, okay, here he's talking about a man, but of course it's also about the woman, right? But I'm sure that you are going to relate with me about this concept.

Speaker 1:

But the self-stimulation, it's something that is very beautiful for our body, of course, but then that energy goes out. Okay, and the sex transmutation, the opposite, is to retain the self-stimulation in a way to save that energy and use that energy for something else. It's a bunch of energy. We're talking about a sex topic, guys, so you know how much powerful can be in an energetic way, in a spiritual way. You know how much powerful can be. So it's truly. It's the way, the powerful way, to use the energy, that energy to use for something else. Okay, and it's something that I would like to read a little bit more about it because it's very interesting. Of course, with everything in life, you have to balance everything, because self-stimulation, sex probably retain the self-stimulation I mean all of them are so beautiful topics, right, that's that's not the, the, the topic right now with think and grow rich to, to talk more about it, but generally it's so beautiful everything, but you have to balance everything at the same time, okay, so balancing these concepts is important to have a healthy life.

Speaker 1:

And number 13, surround yourself with smart people. Oh, it's something that we said also before, but here, napoleon, it's more specific. So, of course, if you are with um, let's say stupid people. Yeah, let's say stupid people. I don let's say stupid people. I don't want to offend no one guys, but there are stupid people in the world, unfortunately. So if you surround with stupid people, right, then what do you expect exactly from yourself? Of course, you're going to become stupid like them, but it's the same for smart people. So if you are around smart people, they are going to teach you to be smarter, because be smart is not something that comes from the gene. It can be. Maybe, I don't know, maybe someone can correct me, but from my experience you can learn to be smart. It can be. Maybe, I don't know, maybe someone can correct me, but from my experience you can learn to be smart. You can learn to be smart, and if you have someone around you that is smarter than you, get advantage, get knowledge from it. That's very important.

Speaker 1:

Napoleon Hill here talks about smart people and stupid people. Okay, especially, take advantage from smart people to to become rich, and and you know all the story about how to to get success via richness from napoleon hill. I would like to go a little bit deeper, right, because I don't want to reduce this topic only about stupid people and smart people. So there is this nice concept about satsanga and asatsanga in the Hinduism. So the satsanga is the good people, asatsanga are the good people, asatsanga are the bad people, and it's as I said, it's more a deep concept. It's not so much far from what Napoleone Hill said, but if you go with Satsanga in a Satsanga environment, right, with the right people, then you get the positive energy, you get the right enthusiasm to go forward with your success because they you know they drive you to go forward, because they are happy with you. And maybe in that group there is the smartest guy that's going to teach you something. Maybe another person is going to you know is going to teach you something. Maybe another person is going to teach you how to live the life that's so beautiful. That's the concept of satsanga. The asatsanga is literally the opposite. So you go with bad people. They're not good for the environment, and then you become like them and this leads just to disaster, and this was the to disaster. And this was the 13th highlight and I enjoyed it a lot and you don't know. But this is my second recording because I bought a new phone and didn't record very well with my mic, so I had a technical problem, but I was fine. I said you know what? Maybe there is a. I said you know what, maybe there is a reason. And in fact there is a reason, because this recording is better. So I'm very happy for it.

Speaker 1:

I have the last quote here from Napoleon Hill. He says he died. A positive mind finds a way it can be done. A negative mind looks for all the ways it can be done. I leave you with this quote. I'm going to repeat again for you. I'm not going to explain this quote. There's nothing to explain here. We said a lot already, but I'm going to say ready, I'm going to be slow. A positive mind finds a way it can be done. A negative mind looks for all the ways it can be done. Guys, thank you so much for being here on Journey to Success, and see you next time. Cheers.

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