Journey to Success

Manifesting Prosperity: The Life-Changing Power of "The Secret" and Positive Thinking

Fabio Posca Season 2 Episode 6

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Discover the life-changing power of "The Secret" and positive thinking in manifesting prosperity. Learn about the law of attraction and spirituality in this summary of Rhonda Byrne's teachings. Transform your life with self-improvement and self-help techniques!

Unlock the hidden truths of prosperity and learn how the age-old law of attraction can reshape your life, as taught by "The Secret." This episode is a treasure trove of insights, as I delve into Rhonda Byrne's influential work and its historical ancestors. I'll take you through a transformative exploration of how our thoughts directly influence our reality, and the undeniable power of gratitude. You'll discover tried-and-true personal strategies, such as the life-changing practice of maintaining a gratitude journal, to foster a positive mindset that attracts success and happiness.

Have you ever considered that the joy of life could be a simple shift in perspective away? In a heart-to-heart, I open up about my own financial and personal renaissance, moving from scarcity to abundance with a revamped mindset. Beyond mere numbers, this shift has the potential to enrich every facet of life, from deepening relationships to enhancing overall well-being. Moreover, I stress the significance of self-love and balance, and how the energy you radiate can be a magnet for similar experiences and outcomes. This chapter isn't just talk; it's about walking the path of positive thinking for concrete, life-altering results.

Finally, we wrap up with an invigorating discussion on 'secret shifters' - those keys that unlock a positive emotional state. I share how small acts, like the power of music and kindness, can swiftly turn the tide on negativity. Embrace the 'ask, believe, receive' mantra and visualize your desires coming to fruition. My personal stories act as evidence that a mindset centered on abundance and trust can remarkably influence not just your financial situation but your emotional prosperity too. Make sure to catch our next episode, where we rise with the 5 am Club, and if today's chat resonated with you, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Take care, and ciao!

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Speaker 1:

Hi guys, my name is Fabio from Journey to Success, and welcome. Today we're going to talk about this book, and most of you know for sure, and the name of the book is the Secret by Rhonda Byrne, and it's a beautiful book. We already talked about it a couple of episodes ago, one month ago, but at the time I was making just some reading. Right now, what I'm doing is just, it's more taking the good and most valuable points in a way that I can explain to you better and you can apply them. So let's start. Let's start. So, first point the secret by Rhonda Byrne, chapter one you attract what you think. So there is not really so much to say here. Right, all of us know the law of attraction what you think is also what you attract, and vice versa. And most of the people there think that is a concept that has been invented by Rhonda Byrne herself. Of course it's not true. Rhonda Byrne studied from other people, rhonda Barnes studied from other people, and the first book was in 1855 by a certain Andrew Jackson Davis, and the name of the book was A Law of Attraction. But I'm sure that if you, you know, if you go back, if you investigate a little bit. I'm sure that we're going to find more things before 1855. So it's a very old concept and what we have to know here is that, yeah, as per title, as per title, you attract what you think right. So if you think about bad things, you attract bad things. If you think about positive things, you attract positive things, etc. Etc. It's not that easy, like I'm saying or like people think. You know, it's not like. Okay, I think something and I attract the things. No, it doesn't work like that. Otherwise I think 90% of the population would be rich right now. Right? So it doesn't work like that. But we are going to study a little bit, chapter by chapter, so you can understand better how works this law of attraction.

Speaker 1:

Chapter two gratitude is fundamental. This is a very beautiful chapter because, as I said, it's not easy as people think. There is a process, there is a way to get what you like to have, and one of the most powerful things is actually be grateful. Be grateful about the life that you are having right now, in your present, because if you are not grateful about what you have, about what you do, means that you are not positive. Because if you are not grateful, it means that you are a negative person because you just wish more and more and more and you are not happy about the life that you are having right now. Okay, so you have to be grateful first. I know sometimes can be hard, I know that life sometimes can be hard, but you must be grateful.

Speaker 1:

So something that I like to do this is my personal example is a gratitude book, so I like to write five sentences on a page and the five sentences to the other page. So in the first page I like to write things where I am very grateful for and things that are happening already in my life or happened already. It can be silly things, can be important things. You can always find five good things per day, always. Okay, also, be grateful about the fact that they are adjusting your street in front of the door. That could be also a good thing, you know. So it has not to be extremely big or extremely small, or has to be extremely big or extremely small. I mean anything that catches your mind. It's powerful as much as it is positive. Okay, to the other side. So to the second page, you have to write five things that didn't happen yet. And the funny thing is that in the first page.

Speaker 1:

Structurally, grammatically talking, in the first and the second page there is not going to be so much difference, okay, in a grammar way, because what you have to write has to be in a present tense. So in the first page I can say I'm grateful that I breathe better, because I have kind of asthma problems sometimes evidently, and especially during the night, but evidently right now I'm breathing better, so I'm grateful that I breathe better. And in May, in the second page, I can write I'm grateful that I get 1,000 euro or dollars, it depends where you are right now, listener, but I'm from the Netherlands, I'm Italian, but I'm from the Netherlands right now. And I mean I'm recording here in the Netherlands. And, yeah, I can say I'm grateful that I'm rich. Because I am rich, I feel rich, I feel rich in mindset, I feel rich in a relationship. And for the law attraction, right, when you say to the law attraction, when you say to God, when you say to universe, I'm happy, I'm grateful that I'm rich, I mean the universe doesn't really understand if it's material or sentimental thing, it's going to just reward you. Okay. Of course, if you are more targeted about it, it's better, right. But I mean just write in the present, in the present tense, and then it's funny because after you know one month, two months, or when you have bad days, you can just read back and you can see things where you are really grateful for and things that already happened. So the second page then one day can become your first page. Okay, very nice, very nice concept. I like the grateful book. I sometimes do and I think you should do as well.

Speaker 1:

Number three those are intangible things. So she says by training your thoughts to seek the positive and tell positive stories, you can improve your life. Also, in this case, you have to attract positive things. Okay. So we say you attract what you think, plus you have to be grateful, because if you are grateful, then you can get more energy because you are positive, and if you get more energy because you are positive, then you can attract positive things. Ok, it's just a good domino path.

Speaker 1:

And number four it is all about how you feel. And this is a very important concept, because when people talk about love, attraction, right, they just do in an analytical way, in a way like yeah, okay, I'm thinking that I want to become a good chef, but I don't. I think that I want to become rich, but I don't. No, it doesn't work like that. You have to have also these two good factors. One of them is the feeling, the motion. So you really have to feel. You really have to feel that you want to become something, that you are something already.

Speaker 1:

Because, as I said before, when we talk about universe, god, love, attraction, it's not about the time, it's not about past present's, not about past, present or future. Everything is in the moment, everything is now, right now. First of all, you have to feel. You have to feel that you are that kind of person that you are getting money or healthiness or love, whatever you want to have. And so this is the first thing. The second thing is the intention. Okay, so what is your intention? Your intention is 100% clear. Because, listen, if I say to myself okay, tomorrow I'm going to wake up early because I have to prepare my episode, but then I don't set the alarm, I mean, you know, it's not even about love attraction, it's just about, like stupidity. So if I don't set the alarm, what is the purpose then of all of it? That someone is going to wake me up, some angel? No, it doesn't work like that. So the intention has to be powerful, it has to be there with you Intention and emotion. So in fact she says whatever you think you want to attract, you have to do with emotion. Then we have number five Positive visualization is powerful.

Speaker 1:

So here I would like to make my personal example. Still, I'm not that obsessed person regarding law, love attraction. I think love attraction is a good ingredient of all the cake. You know that we're going to make it to reach our success. So there is love attraction and persistency, consistency, hard work, smart work, etc. Etc. So I'm not that fanatic. Nothing wrong of it. I mean, if you are passionate about it, you know it's okay. But what I'm trying to say is that even if I'm not that obsessed believer, I believe it, but I'm not that obsessed believer.

Speaker 1:

I have a funny story for you. So I would say five now, four, five, six years ago I was kind of broke. I was broke no kind of. I was broke and I had no money. I had some debt. That was a disaster and I went like that for years. So for years I was trying to save some money because I needed to recover my debt, but also I didn't enjoy and I didn't do anything to not even enjoy, but just, you know, go out, have a drink or eat a pizza or something. So there was a moment in my life where I was just focused on the lack of money.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and for years I for years, was very bad because actually I couldn't save money to cover my debt, I couldn't gain money to have a small enjoyment for myself, so I was very focused on the lack of money. It was very weird because a period before this strangle time, there was another period that I used to work as a waiter, but I had good tips, nothing to pay, just a small rent. So I was very lucky. So I used to get money. I used to offer as well and somehow I had money. I had money in my pocket, even if I used to spend money. So very, very, very we are.

Speaker 1:

And interesting at the same time, because then I read this chapter in the book and she says that if you are focused on the lack of money, then of course you are not going to gain money because you are too much focused on lack of money. Right? So what I did was okay, I have my intention. My intention is to save some money to clear my debt, but how Do budgeting? So I know it's not going to be straight, but in one year I earned double, earn double my goal. It was great.

Speaker 1:

And at the same time I restarted to offer again. I restarted to offer. I didn't used to pay so much attention of the money itself. Yes, I used to have a look sometimes in my banking, but I wasn't worried anymore about the fact that as an offer to someone or have a nice appointment with me, with my fiance, could somehow lead me to, you know, to be again broke. So I wasn't afraid anymore and somehow, even if I was saving money to clear this small debt that for me wasn't small anyway and even if I decided to spend money, somehow I had money in my pocket. I had more money, like unlimited, like it was crazy. I wasn't becoming rich, but I had money enough to save money for my debt and enjoy my life.

Speaker 1:

You know, with a good intention also with a good budgeting. So you have to be focused on the right and positive things, and when you are focused about the lack of money, well that's a negative thing. All right, here we have another phrase from her the universe reflects what you radiate. So if you radiate joy and happiness, the universe will return it to you whatever you want in abundance, including money. But we can make this example in a money way, in a money-wise way. We can also make the example in a relationship way. All right, it's the same.

Speaker 1:

So you like to have a good relationship, you like to have someone who really loves you? Right. But if you don't love yourself first, then no one is going to love you. And this is a scientific concept, but also in the love attraction way, right, scientific concept. But also in the law of attraction way, right, if you think about it. The law of attraction, god, universe just I put these three big factors all in the same box because they're the same thing in my opinion.

Speaker 1:

So I will say yeah, so about love. So if you ask for love, you will not receive. You have to love first of all yourself. And this is very important, I will say, because the universe doesn't really see the difference between the people who you love or the fact that you love yourself. Love is just love, right? So if you love yourself, if you get this love from yourself to yourself, then of course the love attraction is going to reward you with more love love from other people love from your new partner, etc. Etc. It's the same for the healthiness. So, to be healthy, I remember when, one year ago, I used to do a lot of gym, but then I every time that I was in the house, then I didn't care to to eat some fried chips or, you know, hamburger. So the fact is that even if I was very focused on the gym, I wasn't focused to take care of my body, and that's also, um, it's also a part of us that really want to love us for it. You know, it's also a form of love. So, very important concept and and I think it's something that you have to understand, love is very important to achieve anything in your life.

Speaker 1:

At the end, attachment leads to unhappiness. This is also a nice concept. Practical example here, an example with the fire right, so if you tend your hand, close the fire, of course the fire it can be nice, can coddle you, but if you touch the fire, then it's not good, then you can burn yourself. Food example with the food. So attachment leads to unhappiness. Why, with the food, you can eat easily a weekly pizza, nice pizza.

Speaker 1:

People sometimes say to you that pizza is not healthy. In my opinion, a good pizza is healthy in a good restaurant with nice toppings. I say about pizza because I'm Italian, of course, but you know, with a nice mozzarella, nice tomato, why not? Also, in a weekly way, that's okay, but if you do every day, that's a problem. It's a problem because it's hypocaloric food. It's hypocaloric food. There is a high volume of sodium as well. It can cause disease like heart problems. So then if you do it every day, it's not good, so that makes you unhappy and the same for the relationship.

Speaker 1:

So jealousy so if you are jealous in a healthy way, it's okay, but if you are jealous in a way that leads to possession, then it's not good anymore. I was a jealous guy in a way that I mentally want to possess something or someone, not physically, but mentally. I remember that I was consistently thinking about a certain person or a certain thing, and it is so heavy. It's so heavy because we're talking about a person, we're talking about a human being, a human being with dreams, a human being with feelings, you know, with experiences. So it's very heavy and tiring to hold mentally or physically, these human beings with you, right? So that's something that you have to understand as well and, of course, lead to happiness. Unhappiness, sorry, lead to unhappiness towards you and towards the people around you. Okay, and yeah, this Number seven, chapter seven you are a source of joy, what you were born to do.

Speaker 1:

So a couple of days ago I watched this interview right and the host asked to this child that was 8, 10 years old, maybe. He asked what is your happiest thought? What you remember? Tell me something that you remember that is the most happiest thought that you had until now. And he say or was it she? I think it was she. She say I remember when I was born. I remember when I was born and I was straight away happy. I was happy and, yes, I was a little bit scared because I remember my mom. For me it was a stranger, but still I knew that was my mom and I was extremely straight away happy. So what is going to teach us this interview? Is going to teach us that we were born happy.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it doesn't matter if you were crying or if you were desperate, of course, because you were in a new world, but we were born happy. Okay, it doesn't matter if you were crying or if you were desperate, of course, because you were in a new world, but we were born happy, and that's the reason why it's beautiful to keep a grateful gratitude book, because it's a reminder. It's a reminder about the fact that you don't need external things to be happy. Yes, external things, things that you like to achieve in the future, are going to make your life maybe easier sometimes, maybe they're going to make your life more flexible and maybe you're going to travel more, maybe you're going to buy a good boat, I don't know. But the point is that if you are not happy right now, in your present, then it doesn't matter how much money, how much freedom you are going to get in the future Okay. So you have to be happy now, present tense, okay. And then, of course, it doesn't matter if you get success or not. Of course, if you get better, because we're working for it.

Speaker 1:

We're talking about this podcast. It's about journey to success, but at the same time, you're already happy. That's the most important thing. Number 8 the universe is overflowing. You have not to stick in your box. Okay, it doesn't mean you have not to stick in your box. We lived okay after we burned, right. So when we are in our 10 year old, 12, 15, 16, we build this box. We build this box full of external things, external environments, external knowledge from friends, family, school, tv, all right. So we build this box inside and we are inside in it. Maybe you are lucky, maybe the knowledge around you, maybe the family around you transfer, gave you a certain passion and this passion leads you to go to the university. You know the usual stuff, but you are happy with it. Let's say that you got passionate to become a doctor, so you can still be happy to be in this box, right. But if you really want to do great things, great things, okay, and let's still keep stick with the doctor example.

Speaker 1:

Let's say that during your experiences you realize that you want to help breast cancer people, right, and you want to help breast cancer people, right, and you want to help, like strongly, you really feel that they need your help. You have to go out from that box. So you have to get external knowledge. You have to talk with more people. You have to make A-B tests, experiment. Your things fail a lot. Uh, read, uh different books. Um, get a different science in your brain, you know. So that's where you see the energy. So the energy flow in a very uh, in a very wonderful way around you and is going to help you for it, but you have to go out from this box, all right. So be inside the box can be for someone, can be okay, someone can be happy I'm not one of them. There is nothing wrong on it. But let's say that if you still want to continue your journey that you were doing inside the box, but you want to do great things, then you have to go out from the box, okay, and because of the box, the universe is overflowing.

Speaker 1:

Number nine the ultimate emotion, is love, and we talked before about it. Right, love, it's so such beautiful emotion. Love will give you a limited fuel to do your things, a limited fuel to reach your dreams, to reach your goal. Okay, a personal example for my podcast. I do my podcast because I want people to achieve their dreams. Of course, it's more deep than that.

Speaker 1:

When I was young, there were things that I wanted to achieve and that I didn't. I know that now I could do. I think that the age is just a number. Before it wasn't my philosophy. Before it was more like I have to reach a certain success at a certain age. No, age is just a number. So if I want, I can really achieve whatever I want to achieve, also in my past. But there is always that small little Fabio that is a little bit sorry, right, about the fact that he didn't achieve certain things, and that voice leads me to wake me up a certain time, sometimes at 5 o'clock. Today, I woke up at 5 o'clock to prepare my episode and make the people understand that if they have a dream, it's worth to go forward. All right, and this gives me love. It gives me love. It gives me unlimited energy, unlimited fuel. It's just a circle, it's a wheel, it's beautiful. So, find what you love, find what you are passionate about, or easier, you are more likely to achieve great things when you are passionate about what you do.

Speaker 1:

Number 10 the universe cannot distinguish between good and bad. So also this you have to be positive. So that's the reality. Okay, you have to be positive. If you are positive, if your emotion is positive, you attract positive things. If you attract positive things, you have a limited positive energy. It's always about love and positive things, all right.

Speaker 1:

And also, when you desire something, when you write something, okay, let's say that you don't want to be poor anymore. You don't want to be poor If you write a sentence like I wish to do not be poor anymore. This is not gonna help. It's not gonna help because, even if, grammatically talking, the sentence is positive, in a feeling way, in your subconscious there are these two words right, don't and poor. So the feeling, the emotion is still negative and what the, the universe, what God, law of attraction is going to understand from you is just these two words don't and poor. So you have to be positive. It's better to say I'm grateful where I am right now and I wish to be rich, I wish to get financial freedom, I wish to love more, in a way to get more love. You know, it has a different feeling. It's just different, it's just too much beautiful and different. It's full of joy and love. That's what you need when we talk about love, attraction, but when we talk about life generally, number 11, love of attraction and quantum mechanism, is fundamental for your journey. So, energy vibrating at the same frequencies. When things vibrate at the same frequency, they are naturally drawn to each other.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we talked about this book in the last episode. The name of the book was Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza. Yeah, joe Dispenza, I think, and it's a beautiful book, by the way. But what he talks also about is about quantum science, and he talks about the fact that when you reach your alpha waves, you reach a certain frequency as well, and when you are in this state, you are lucky because whatever you ask, you get, because the vibration, it's in a vibration where the universe can understand you better, right, and we're talking about quantum science. This is a science thing. And we're talking about quantum science. This is a science thing. So we're talking about molecular, in a microscope way, that they vibrate each other, and this is impactful also in this context in the law of attraction. So, as you say here, energy vibrating at the same frequency. When things vibrate at the same frequency, they are naturally drawn to each other and when this happens, they communicate better and they make you realize better what you want to achieve in your life. Number 11, number 12, 12. Keep your vibration high.

Speaker 1:

Also, in this case, we talk about emotion, feeling. Everything has to be positive, positive, positive, positive. But what happens when bad things happen? Because we're human beings and the life sometimes is unfair. We know that we cannot do anything about it, but what happens when things happen? There are secret shifters. The secret shifters can be subjective most of the times, are subjective mostly, and there are things where they shift your humor, your emotion, from negative to positive.

Speaker 1:

Right, as I said, you have to find your secret shifter, but generally if there is a general secret shifter, it can be the music. Okay, it's funny because people, when they are sad also my fiance they just listen to sad music. Also my fiance, they just listen to sad music. So, indirectly, they use the secret shifter, but in the wrong way, because when people are sad, they listen to sad music and this leads to disaster. Because, like, what do you expect, right, with ice cream and sad music? But you have to do, of course, in the positive way. So, secret shifter, you have to listen to positive music.

Speaker 1:

Something that I was thinking this morning when I was preparing my episode. I was thinking like, hey, just a moment, maybe I can make a playlist about all the songs, all music that made me happy or happy in my past, or they just remind me some nice event. Or, for example, I remember when I used to listen Evia, or was it Enya? Meanwhile I was running 15 years ago in my village and I know it's very weird to hear Enya or Evia while you run, but I still remember that feeling. I have to be honest, it was a nice feeling. The sun was on my face and you know something like that. Take music, take songs where can remind you something, can remind you good things, positive things, and can make you smile, can make you feel happy. Okay, this can be a good secret shifter Number 13, be nice to everyone.

Speaker 1:

So you don't feel happy when you say bad things about someone else. Okay, so you don't feel happy when you say bad things about someone else. Well, it depends if you are evil or not, but yeah, generally it's like that. Generally, when you are angry with someone right, with your partner, with people around you, you are not happy. You just feel regretfulness and sadness because you know, a fight or similar things lead to sadness, leads to negativity.

Speaker 1:

It's good to smile, it's good to share, share positivity. That's what you have to do smile, be happy, smile to someone else, also stranger, and maybe that person is gonna smile you back and then you, you're gonna smile back and you just share this positive energy. You know, sometimes my, my fiancee, or the mother, my mother--in-law, the mother of my fiancé, sometimes, just, you know, stop around the people and just give compliments like hey, you know your back is very beautiful. This makes people smile, you know, so beautiful. It's just about love and positivity at the end, believe it or not, not, it doesn't matter if you believe or not in the law of attraction. This cannot be bad this. Anyway. This is helpful for your journey.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's say that we don't talk about law of attraction for a moment. It doesn't matter how much beautiful can be, get positive energy, unlimited fuel to achieve your dreams in a limited way, because you have this unlimited energy, because you get love and positivity. Okay, so think about it. It doesn't matter. As I said, it doesn't matter if you believe or not. And number 14, we have a formula here. We have a secret formula. That's no secret, but we have a formula here. We have a secret formula, that's no secret, but we have a formula.

Speaker 1:

So a first point ask. Be clear about what you want and write it down using the present tense, as if it's already yours. Ask for what you want, making sure you are clear about your intentions. So, as we talked already about it, of course, you have to have a clear vision. With a clear vision, you have a clear path, clear actions, belief. Approach your desire with unwavering faith, exuding confidence, believe that what you have asked for is already yours and have faith in the law of attraction. Why believe that what you have asked for is already yours? Because, as we said, there is no time. Here we're not talking about past, present, future. We talk about present, actually, actually, but it's more about the moment, the now. You know. So you have to achieve whatever you want to achieve, that's yes, in the future, but you have to structure the sentence, the phrase, in a present tense receive. Imagine the emotions you'll experience once you get what you desire, and use a mantra to simulate that feeling receive what you have asked for with gratitude.

Speaker 1:

And here I have my personal example, when I didn't used to think anymore about the lack of money, I had this automatic budgeting from my bank account to my saving account and I used to offer, but I didn't used to see my bank account, I was just trusting the fact that I had money. So you can do the same as much as you don't go into debt. So I know that in the United States or Canada, the debit card can go to minus. In Europe there isn't these things. Well, at least not for people like me. I don't know For people who are really rich. I don't know for people are really rich. I don't know how works if they have an unlimited card and uh, and this guy. So last sentence through asking, believing and receiving, you will create a positive environment where you can have all you desire.

Speaker 1:

All right, so we had it and very happy to see you again here in Journey to Success and see you in the next episode. If I'm wrong, in the next episode there is the 5 am club, so it looks very interesting. And see you next time. And just put a like comment. It's always helpful, you know. If you like to help me, it would be great. Otherwise, that's okay, ciao.

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